My poor LJ was abandoned around April because I had been very involved with multiple fandoms and had just finished off writing my Master's Paper (which was fandom intensive.) I ended up just shoving all of my energy into one or two things and disappearing off into Tumblr because I had more active friends there
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Sometimes I just feel like these people can't possibly be watching the same show as us, you know? But it does make me more grateful that the fandoms/corners of fandom I've been in have never had that level of hate/whining/general craziness, so maybe there's one bright side to this...
Agh, anyway, yeah. I'm really grateful for the corners of fandoms that I've found that are amazing (like the K/L folks here on LJ, who I've completely fallen out of touch with, curse me). But I'm dead certain people aren't actually watching these shows, they're more picking out actors, attaching names, and them using them in their playhouse of porn or fluff or whatever other wishful thinking fic they want to read/write. It's when they try and ( ... )
I mean I ship. Shiat, I've have the SAME ship for 12 years when it was just the A-Team tv show but I can separate the two because I was a fan long before I shipped.
I had someone tell me the other day that "Face does whatever Hannibal tells him because he loves him that much." Really? I'm sorry did we SEE the same movie? Because we're first introduced to Face via him in a stack of tires about to be set ON FIRE because he went against Hannibal and got himself in big trouble. But they want it to be different so their ship is more canon so they ignore all of the things that point out otherwise. My ship? Nowhere near canon, never would be but I still have fun because it's not serious end of the world business for me.
And I totally agree I think it is look at this hot actor let's smoosh them together with this one BECAUSE I SAY SO.
Ah, shipping. It is both a joy and a curse, and probably the most polarizing thing that can happen to any fandom, short of season-arc breaks (like S1-5 of BtVS or 1-5 of SPN where the planned arc has played out, but they keep going with the show.)
That's where British television gets it right a lot of times. One of my favorite things ever was 'Spaced.' There were 14 episodes that's it. It was perfect and hilarious and at the end of 14 boom it was over. But I can look back and there's not a single episode that I hated. It didn't have that time to get bogged down like series tend to do when they go on longer than they should.
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