in which I finally read the TV Tropes page for BSG, and realize why I never did

Oct 29, 2011 01:50

So, this has been on my mental to-do list for weeks. But I finally got around to reading the BSG TV Tropes page. Reading some of these things is making cry again. I'd feel really stupid and emotional if I didn't know of at least one male who has the same reactions. But not to the same characters. Here are some of my favorites:

cut for extreme spoilers within )

gaius baltar, kara thrace, laura roslin, tv tropes, scifi, jamie bamber, battlestar galactica, kara/lee, edward james olmos, tv, religion, tricia helfer, meta, bill adama, katee sackhoff, blade runner, atheism, lee adama

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winegums January 20 2012, 17:33:20 UTC
Several months late to seeing this, but was going through your tags and must say I LOVE your reactions (and I am actually the one who edited the page to stick in that tidbit about Tricia being a former fashion model, though I forgot to correct the bit about the red dress - Six was wearing a skirt and jacket in that first scene ( ... )


useyourlove January 20 2012, 17:45:16 UTC
Oh TV Tropes. I actually like to go through the individual Trope pages and find the references to whatever show I'm looking for because I feel like those are less about affirming that the show is awesome and more about being like "this is a snarky retelling of a piece of the plot ( ... )


winegums January 20 2012, 18:20:51 UTC
oh, I feel you on the in-your-face religion hate. I live in a place where most people are religious and I am pretty much not, but I'm not going to get bitchface about someone going to church or temple if they're just going about their day or are religious in private and otherwise respectful of other people's beliefs.

I love Katee, but she does come off as very forthright and occasionally even a bit...abrasive? (which makes it understandable that she isn't universally lovable, though maybe it's best to keep that opinion here, lol) I think by the end, she was as fed up as anyone about what RDM did to her character, and can't really blame her for interpreting things whichever way she wanted so she could find some closure on Kara.


useyourlove January 20 2012, 18:32:58 UTC
Is it sad that when I see something now that's like "RDM worked on this!" or "this is RDM's new pet project!" and everyone else is like "HALLELUJAH IT MUST BE AMAAAAZING!!!" I'm just side-eyeing it like mad and pretty much vowing that I'm never going to touch it? I honestly hope I never meet the man ever because he will get the skeptical bitchface from hell and possibly physical violence. BSG has made me actively mistrust everything and it's really annoying to me that I can't fully enjoy a TV show (especially a currently-airing TV show) because I won't let myself fully invest in in since I'm waiting for it to go completely nuts and not make sense anymore ( ... )


winegums January 20 2012, 18:56:37 UTC
BSG has made me actively mistrust everything

OUCH, that is really sad. In my case, I don't know whether it's mistrust so much as "destroyed any chance that I will ever love a show or ship as passionately as I loved this", but as a longtime Joss fan, I was used to being screwed over - though BSG was far more cruel to its characters than anything I'd ever seen before. Now, I'm like, "bring on the crack! I don't care!". Pretty much everything I've been watching since BSG has been the very obviously cracktastic (Ringer, assorted jdramas and kdramas, the odd teen show). I'm just afraid to get attached to characters on a show with a tone like BSG's ever again.

( I kind of get what you mean about Katee, I feel slightly similarly disappointed by Summer Glau irl. She's a delightful actress and one of my favourite people ever to watch on a screen, but when not in character/giving interviews she's a bit boring - and having those thoughts makes me feel like a mean girl because she's really sweet)


useyourlove January 20 2012, 19:10:55 UTC
The thing I watched most recently was BBC's Sherlock and I was like "move me. I dare you." and it did to a certain extent, but in the back of my head there was always this "DON'T YOU DARE GO OUT OF GENRE!! DON'T YOU DARE!" that wasn't letting me truly connect with it. Because I was waiting for this mystery show set in the real world to suddenly be like "oh, by the way, the answer is this totally absurd sci-fi reason!" And it didn't ever do that. But now because I know it doesn't do that, I feel like if I rewatched it I'd be able to get waaaay more invested in it and love it a lot more. And yes, I also think BSG's pretty much ruined me for shipping anything ever again. I thought Buffy/Spike was bad on the heartwrenching front. I mean I really love the unhappy endings (or I wouldn't love Joss so much), but BSG wasn't just an unhappy ending for my ship (I was expecting that from the second I started shipping them--it was just their way and I knew it wouldn't end well)--but it was an unhappy ending that was equally nonsensical and buried ( ... )


winegums January 20 2012, 19:23:11 UTC
^which is why I feel like such a bitch for saying that about Summer in the first place - I really adore her too! And it's much better for her to be interesting onscreen than off, it's her job after all. I suppose an actor has to do something pretty heinous for me to not like them anymore (e.g. Natalie Portman comparing meat eating to rape and following that up by signing a petition to free Roman Polanski), but most tv actors don't tend to have their heads up their own asses.


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