Jul 20, 2006 09:02
I walked to work this morning. I almost slept in and drove in, but after one bout of "snoozing" (dumb-looking word) I rolled out of bed to shower for the first time in two days. When I lived in the attic last year I was showering twice a day--but I lived in an attic and desperate times call for many showers.
So, on my way to work I stopped by Big City Bread to pick up a scone. Hey--while I'm here to pick up a scone, why don't I see if I can't get them to put some iced coffee in my trusty nalgene? I asked for it to be filled halfway (16 oz) and was given 24 oz. For the record, I could probably sustain a half-a-day coffee buzz on 10-12 oz. This bodes well for the day.
We watched Project Runway last night. I wish that Malan had not been picked to be "auf'ed" (hehe). But I guess the green dress did look better than the chocolate one--even if scary-chick didn't work on it and stated that she would have nothing to do with it.
Is it bad that there is a very little part of me who wishes that she could go to orientation again? When did I change my mind? I've always thought that it was one of the scariest weekends I've ever had in my life. I was depressed, it was hot, everyone was asking everyone else which sorority house they were going to rush (it wasn't even an option for me). I had *no* idea what was going on. And now all of the sudden, while looking at eager students and their slightly-dazed-looking parents, I wish that I could do it all over again. You want to know what's funny? I wish that I'd lived on campus all 4/5 years. Sort of. maybe?
I was talking to dad (his torn calf muscle is feeling better--they gave him muscle relaxers since they couldn't give him anti-inflamatories (anti-inflamatories and blood-thinner do not mix)) and he told me that he figured that I'm in Athens to have the good times that I didn't have time or money to have while I was actually in school here. Well--maybe? I don't know. I think it's a lot simpler than that. I wasn't seeking a transition place. I wasn't looking for job experience. It was just easier to stay than it was to leave. Staying won't work for much longer.
Too many weekends from now (thanks emo) is Jekyll with the family. It won't be a good weekend for food (there's nothing to eat on Jekyll) but it will be good for beaching. mmm...sand. I suspect that I will, on at least one night, be drunk in front of my parents. Mom will almost certainly be bringing her magnum of vendage white zin, and I will assuredly make fun of her before helping myself. Hopefully Ben will let me hang out with him while he's with his friends. :)