There is a radio at the desk in the room next door to mine that is making a gentle-but-persistent high-pitched buzzing noise. It's slowly driving me up the wall. So much so that documenting my tonal angst seemed highly necessary.
I had some very bizarre dreams last night. Ian and I were at a train station waiting on a train going to a city in Vietnam, but the train station was my elementary school (always a favorite of mine because it looked like no one else's in the county--we had pods). Connected to the train station was a house with three Asian inhabitants. One was a servant. You had to walk down very treacherous (round) steps to get to the house, so the servant put his hand on my back (but without touching me) and lifted me up into the air, along with my luggage, and transported me thus down the steps. It felt very odd--like a strong butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling. Basically, I levitated in my dreams; I cannot convey with words how weird it felt. All of this took place somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Everything was very green and wet.
I've been listening to Ryan Adams all day. I listened to him this morning on the walk into work. "Drunk and F*cked Up" would be a perfect song for House--except for the fact that you can't say "f*cked up" on t.v. Speaking of an irrational attachment to a t.v. show--I miss House much more than I miss Grey's Anatomy.
Season 2 of House will ship from
Amazon on August 22nd--just in time for celebration of my 25 & 1/2 b-day. This is probably good news for roommate-carrie, who is probably ready for me to be watching some new episodes.)
Due to some sort of credit card machine error, I was given a scone for free this morning--chocolate chip, my favorite. It was very cool this morning--windy as well, though the percentage of humidity must be in the 90s.
emoney and I have come to the conclusion that the level of boredom is such that it promotes actual time being spent working at work.
I'm often reduced to responding with nonsensical phrases when people talk to me at work. For example:
maintenance woman (as she's walking out the front door): "I always tell everyone that your office has the sweetest people in it"
me: "Thank you!"
mw: "you're welcome"
me: "I will"
Okay--it's 1:22. Lunchtime.