Jul 22, 2009 17:13
I gotta tell ya the guys coming up was awesome. Showed them around the neighborhood and they made fun of how ultra ghetto it is lol but they understood the miracle of tax free New Hampshire. I missed them as soon as they left though things just aren't the same when they aren't around. The single life has been very relaxing suprisingly well once the unnecessary elements were cut out. Me and kyle had a long talk actually about the two girls that we both dated and reached some very similar conclusions. I need to both listen to people and to not settle for less than what I really want. But dateing really is an after thought I'm head first into the job search spent all day today applying and looking so wish me luck.
I found a shit ton of new music thats all amazing thanks to lastfm. and its never ending supply of indie punk bands I've never heard of. new favorits being the sidekicks and I walk the line. I'm praying for good things from soulseek. I'm also praying I find some good punk venues up here and that the SIB reunion gets off the ground.
The new harry potter movie was a total snorefest I'd suggest downloading it to all those interested. 500 days of summer looks really good though.