You probably know who this is. I'm making a response to help you see some things as they are. I will be defending Kelsey, not just because of our relationship, but because of what I see and understand from all this.
This recent series of events with you two. Literali is just an online yahoo game, you left because she and the other user were getting high scores? I know how those 2 play. They are skilled and smart when it comes to that. I get crappy letters all the time, but I don't freak out about it. Why? It's just a game. Thats really petty stuff not to flip out about. So you lose, does it really change your life? I've lost countless times, and I've had a few wins. I'll stop here, I'm not going to drag on about a game.
Privacy. You posted Kels' private entry and screen names. You SAVED her entry as the HTML. You SAVED her IM convos. And you call her a psycho? You post her private things that she trusted you with and you exploit her to the world. You got her private entry- then took her off your friends list. Very childish and immature for someone who's 20 years old.
You considered Kels a friend. Not a problem. But you're getting really worked up over someone you've never met. Kels did give you a shot, believe it or not. At a point between us, we were trying to see if we could find people locally. But in the end of it all, we ended up with each other. During that time we were searchig, she was really considering you. I thought she would actually hook up with you. You want to know WHY she didn't? You. Thats why. She couldn't carry on an intellegent conversation with you most of the time, if not all. You would act childish with your words. You called so much, it pissed off her folks. You also made her uncomfortable by almost stalking her while she was online. Kels got fed up and frustrated to the point where she wasn't interested in a relationship. But if you really know her, Kels is a very nice person. She was willing to keep you as a friend. That wasn't good enough? Are you that desperate to be in a relationship with her? Are there no other girls you could be with? And before you go off on me, I could have a girlfriend here if I wanted. I choose a long distance relationship with Kels because she is the one for me. But the fact is- I could have someone else. You're appearing as though you are a hopeless cybergeek with no chance of a real life relationship. I suggest you grow up, get some pride, and look for someone else. If you thought you were something special, you could just shrug this off and move on.
You are 20, in college. You are too old for this junior high BS he said she said crap. Before you call Kels psycho or whatever else, look at yourself, and more importantly this entry. This "look what she said" stuff is rediculous. It's really harassment. Move on, get over it. To sum up, you're upset because you lost a harmless online game of SCRABBLE she doesn't like you because of your attitude. How much will she like you now? Instead of trying to make yourself a better person and do the grown up thing by working it out- you do this. Remember, it's just words, she didn't slit your throat. What I'm saying is- if you wanted to, rather than whining and making posts like this, things could've been patched up and talked out.
I got tired of her lying and manipulative ways a long time ago. I gave up on trying to start converstations with her, I completely stopped talking to her unless she said something to me first. I probably could have said a lot of mean things, but I kept them to myself. I don't give a shit about the game, I had better things to do then sit there and stare at the screen while they helped each other win. She left in the middle of the game countless times when we played, I never cared, it's just a game.
She is the one who got all upset over the game. She is the one calling people names. She is the one who needs to make up things to make herself feel better.
"Instead of trying to make yourself a better person and do the grown up thing by working it out- you do this. Remember, it's just words, she didn't slit your throat. What I'm saying is- if you wanted to, rather than whining and making posts like this, things could've been patched up and talked out."
Yeah, kind of hard to work things out when she does the mature thing of blocking me in the middle of a conversation she started, because of the stupid game. Who posted something first? I was just going to forget about it, it wasn't a big deal, then she posts something full of lies and half truths in order to make herself sound like a saint. I posted what actually happened, even the things that might make me look bad.
Why is it that if kelsey has disliked me for so long, she never bothered to tell me? Why did she always claim to want to hang out with me, and then always be "busy"? Why did she give me her phone number and then never want to talk to me? Why, rather than tell me she didn't want to talk, did I end up calling all the time? Why would she promise to call me, if she had no intention of ever doing so? I will admit, I don't understand people. I'm not to good at reading between the lines or whatever you want to call it. I am 100% honest with people, and expect the same thing in return. If she simply came out and said that she didn't want to hang out with me, and didn't want to talk to me, I wouldn't have minded. That would have been the mature thing to do. I know a lot of people don't like me. I don't expect everyone to. But if they don't, I do expect them to have the decency to tell me, and not pretend to and play me for a fool.
Well then, best chance is to just forget everything and move on rather than linger on it. I know how things can be. If you're really this upset, it'd be best to move on and not stay pissed off for too long.
You probably know who this is. I'm making a response to help you see some things as they are. I will be defending Kelsey, not just because of our relationship, but because of what I see and understand from all this.
This recent series of events with you two. Literali is just an online yahoo game, you left because she and the other user were getting high scores? I know how those 2 play. They are skilled and smart when it comes to that. I get crappy letters all the time, but I don't freak out about it. Why? It's just a game. Thats really petty stuff not to flip out about. So you lose, does it really change your life? I've lost countless times, and I've had a few wins. I'll stop here, I'm not going to drag on about a game.
Privacy. You posted Kels' private entry and screen names. You SAVED her entry as the HTML. You SAVED her IM convos. And you call her a psycho? You post her private things that she trusted you with and you exploit her to the world. You got her private entry- then took her off your friends list. Very childish and immature for someone who's 20 years old.
You considered Kels a friend. Not a problem. But you're getting really worked up over someone you've never met. Kels did give you a shot, believe it or not. At a point between us, we were trying to see if we could find people locally. But in the end of it all, we ended up with each other. During that time we were searchig, she was really considering you. I thought she would actually hook up with you. You want to know WHY she didn't? You. Thats why. She couldn't carry on an intellegent conversation with you most of the time, if not all. You would act childish with your words. You called so much, it pissed off her folks. You also made her uncomfortable by almost stalking her while she was online. Kels got fed up and frustrated to the point where she wasn't interested in a relationship. But if you really know her, Kels is a very nice person. She was willing to keep you as a friend. That wasn't good enough? Are you that desperate to be in a relationship with her? Are there no other girls you could be with? And before you go off on me, I could have a girlfriend here if I wanted. I choose a long distance relationship with Kels because she is the one for me. But the fact is- I could have someone else. You're appearing as though you are a hopeless cybergeek with no chance of a real life relationship. I suggest you grow up, get some pride, and look for someone else. If you thought you were something special, you could just shrug this off and move on.
You are 20, in college. You are too old for this junior high BS he said she said crap. Before you call Kels psycho or whatever else, look at yourself, and more importantly this entry. This "look what she said" stuff is rediculous. It's really harassment. Move on, get over it. To sum up, you're upset because you lost a harmless online game of SCRABBLE she doesn't like you because of your attitude. How much will she like you now? Instead of trying to make yourself a better person and do the grown up thing by working it out- you do this. Remember, it's just words, she didn't slit your throat. What I'm saying is- if you wanted to, rather than whining and making posts like this, things could've been patched up and talked out.
She is the one who got all upset over the game. She is the one calling people names. She is the one who needs to make up things to make herself feel better.
"Instead of trying to make yourself a better person and do the grown up thing by working it out- you do this. Remember, it's just words, she didn't slit your throat. What I'm saying is- if you wanted to, rather than whining and making posts like this, things could've been patched up and talked out."
Yeah, kind of hard to work things out when she does the mature thing of blocking me in the middle of a conversation she started, because of the stupid game. Who posted something first? I was just going to forget about it, it wasn't a big deal, then she posts something full of lies and half truths in order to make herself sound like a saint. I posted what actually happened, even the things that might make me look bad.
Why is it that if kelsey has disliked me for so long, she never bothered to tell me? Why did she always claim to want to hang out with me, and then always be "busy"? Why did she give me her phone number and then never want to talk to me? Why, rather than tell me she didn't want to talk, did I end up calling all the time? Why would she promise to call me, if she had no intention of ever doing so? I will admit, I don't understand people. I'm not to good at reading between the lines or whatever you want to call it. I am 100% honest with people, and expect the same thing in return. If she simply came out and said that she didn't want to hang out with me, and didn't want to talk to me, I wouldn't have minded. That would have been the mature thing to do. I know a lot of people don't like me. I don't expect everyone to. But if they don't, I do expect them to have the decency to tell me, and not pretend to and play me for a fool.
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