Hey Bostonish people! Because I don't know what's good for me, I'm going to be playing with two bands back to back (to back to back, in four 30ish minute sets) at this year's Somerville porchfest!
Wanna hear more from that album Stranger Ways previewed at Arisia a couple of years ago? Yes, except for a year off while Nat was out of state, we've been working on it since then. Now guest-starring Kara of Sassafrass fame!
Wanna be the first to hear "Escape to Danger!", where I team up with Andy Hicks on some of his amazing songs?
Wanna see me drop dead if it decides to be summer that day?
We'll be at 258 Willow Ave from 4-6pm this Saturday, along with a bunch of other local bands playing throughout Somerville all day!!
For details, maps, and band listings see
http://somervilleartscouncil.org/porchfest/map/2015 See you there!