Rails Fail - left outer joins and subqueries

Dec 09, 2008 18:14

This is an example of how Ruby on Rails' ActiveRecord fails to prevent the infamous N+1 query problem sometimes, even in very simple schemas that arose naturally from the requirements.

Let's say you have a discussion board.  There's a Topics table and an Users table.  (There's also a Comments table, naturally, but that's ignorable for now).

Let's say you want to let Users mark Topics as "favorite". So you make a Favorites table with two foreign keys: topic_id and users_id.

Now you want to display the last 10 Topics along with a flag telling whether the User's marked it "Favorite" or not.  Preferably you'd use Rails' find, and find would only execute one query.

Simple, right?  I can think of a few ways to do this in raw SQL in one query.  With an outer join clause:

    isnull(f.user_id, 0) as favorited,
    u.name as topic_posters_name
  FROM topic t
  LEFT OUTER JOIN favorites f on f.topic_id = t.id AND f.user_id = ##USER'S ID##
  LEFT OUTER JOIN users u ON t.user_id = u.id
  LIMIT 10

But - Rails' find can't do that, because Rails doesn't support dynamic conditions inside left outer joins on a has_one/belongs_to relationship.

Another way to do this in one query is with a select clause:

    ( SELECT isnull(f.user_id, 0) FROM favorited f WHERE f.topic_id = t.id AND f.user_id = ##USER'S ID## ) as favorited,
    u.name as topic_posters_name
  FROM topic t
  LEFT OUTER JOIN users u ON t.user_id = u.id
  LIMIT 10

But this doesn't work in Rails, either, because Rails doesn't support the :select option when you use :include - even if the :select clause is something like "'example', *".

So in this case, as far as I'm aware, Rails is forcing you to do 11 queries, 1 for the topics list and 10 for either the Users or the Favorites.  Please let me know if I'm not aware of something I should be.

EDIT: Turns out I was angry for no real reason.  Rails' polymophic relationship do roughly what I want.  See here.

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