
Aug 16, 2004 22:15

i woke up today feeling...different. ive decided that, i want to be in love, but i want it to be real love. not that love that gets old after a week, not the kind where its only good cause of the sex, its more than a call once a week, a movie once a month, i want love the kind where he'd do anything to see me as much as possible like i do. he'd bring me my favorite ice cream because he was at the store and thought of me. a surprise home made dinner because it was the day that we had our first kiss. you know that kind of love that you hear songs about and cry til your eyes burn. the love that poets gush over. not that fake love to take up time until the next one comes along. i want to feel it in my toes, in my fingertips, i want it to course through me like electicity making me tingle with a kiss. im done with childish games im tired of wasting my time on useless little boys. if i have to wait a life time i will. i refuse to settle for less. i will not except anything but what i deserve even if i die before i get it. this is what i fetl this morning when i woke up. someone out there must understand, must know what this feels like to crave love with every bone in your body. or is it just me. is it only i who's heart jars with the thought of love's first touch.

that was today.
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