how i usually do a breakfast sandwich and it usually starts with coffee
i got a vietnamese espresso press here, some condensed milk, cafe du monde. it's basically just coffee and chicory.
i have this really delicious sweet bun from like the local chinese bakery [cut in half, toast] and then i made a patty that's 50 percent beef and 50 bacon
i'm using [small thin squares of] cheddar what because i feel that the flavor of cheddar for morning
and then i have hash browns here, just regular shredded hashbrowns that you can get in your grocery store. but what i do is i let it fall out for like an hour and then i add potato starch so that i can turn them into these little balls right here. we'll start with the hash brown ball and then i just smash it
while we crisp up this hash brown i'm gonna make my sauce. i'm gonna start off with some scallions. the spice element that i have are serranos, spicy but fresh bite to it, a dollop of mayo and then a dollop of sour cream
i'm doing a marbleized egg and i'm going to shape it to my bun, and then i'm going to give it a quick flip 10 seconds. yep flip it again and that's it that's the egg.
burger time. smash the patty in the hot pan, season.
because this cheese takes forever to melt, jump starting it [directly on the pan].
Flip the patty, top with the melted cheese.
build the burger. top the heel of the bun with the serrano mayo, then smashed hash brown, then marbled egg, then cheese-patty. top with more serrano mayo. add top of bun, serve.