Dec 08, 2005 14:49
I'm Back!
Yes, my faithful followers, it is I, Useless Wretch, returning to my duties of broadcasting that which is my life. I know many of you out there have been worried, maybe even to the point of physical illness, about what has become of our stalwart youth, but the days of hanging high and dry are over. You can finally take the shotgun barrel out of your mouth and your toe off the trigger, I'm not going anywhere again.
So what, you are most assuredly asking yourselves, HAS been going on? Well, I'll tell you... on NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE!
Damn, you're sill here. Well alright then.
Every weekday morning, my dad and I take off for work. Now work is a loose term here, because that can mean anything from going to the shop in South Houston and loading/unloading a couple of things, to finding a buyer/seller, to driving from state to state in search of good oilfield equipment. On those occasions, we'll stay overnight usually, until we get the truck loaded with valves and whatnot to drive back with. I told you my life was dull.
Other than that, the internet's really been a good outlet. When I'm not working or sleeping, I'm almost certainly on here. With the lack of quality television or a working vehicle, this is simultaneously my only good source of entertainment/information and the only way to keep in touch with friends. Being a social creature, it's quite an adjustment, but hopefully one I won't have to make for too long. My car's being worked on right now, and I think it will be done within two weeks. Of course that's just a guess, since my niece's husband is the one working on it, and family just isn't as reliable as business. Point is, when it's done, I'll be able to come and go again. It goes without saying that I will still avoid all those terrible influences, those drug-riddled leeches of humanity, but I said it anyway, so deal.
And that, in a nutshell, is my life as of current. Tune in next time, where I'll be explaining whatever minor change is going on, and perhaps some episode summaries of my favorite cartoons if I still need filler. Until then, this is Useless Wretch, signing off.