please kill me.

Sep 12, 2007 23:05

Dear Blog[ger][s],

I'm not even going to try to check my archive history because I know it's been five billion years since I posted anything here. Now that I've said that, of course, I'll probably go check after I've posted and scream something like, "OMG, how was I alive!"

The truth is, I have no idea where the time went--except that it was a blur of work, more work and, eventually, school and work. Most of which leaves me a zombie during the day. For example, in Linguistics, I fell asleep until they assigned us classwork whereupon I filled out the worksheet in the span of a few minutes and went back to sleep. Largely, this is how I fill my days. I get up and propel myself around--barely miss other drivers with my car and spill things on myself--then I sleep.

People, I am barely ambulatory. But I get fifty cents more to be that way so. . .yay?

I do have comics, though. I will be posting these soon.

On another note, cesperanza's "Written by the Victors" is killing me with all the material it has generated. I can't stop looking at this stuff, it's seriously awesome.
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