Aug 04, 2006 23:10
The knuckles on my right hand are bruised and, you know, I don't remember getting into a fight recently. Huh.
However, the other day I went into work and greeted my supervisor as usual. "God, my face hurts," she replied. "Am I talking funny?"
"Um," I said. "No. Should I even ask?"
"Oh," she said, my friend punched me in the face last night. We were drunk."
This will hopefully give you some insight into the new place I'm working. We don't get much with the whacky flower shopping stories, but there's a lot of the getting drunk and fucking shit up going on. You know, afterhours. I'm ashamed to admit that even I've taken part in it if only because I've never actually passed out at a bar before and had a customer recognize me the next day while I was at work. Bear in mind I didn't actually remember the incident in question. I just happened to notice R (one of the people I'd been out with the night before) and a customer casting glances in my direction and chatting suspiciously.
"What?" I asked, "Do I have my shirt on backwards or something?"
"I saw you last night," the customer said.
"Huh. Then--I'm sorry? What did I do, anyway?"
"Well," she said, "You fell over. You were lying, like, flat on your back and you said, 'I don't remember how I got here but I sure think I could use a hand getting up.'"
This is funny weeks after the fact. I also apparently spoke nothing but Japanese. My coworkers were impressed but, like I said, I really don't remember any of this.
workforce mayhem,