Turned on the television and got to see Being Human, so yea me! :D
God, I love all three of them way too much. But especially Annie and George.
I feel sympathy for Mitchell, I really do... However, his edges are so fluid with the rest of him (even though he struggles). I can see him snapping and somehow still believing he can come back from it. But he is doing some pretty shady things these days. Maybe he can't ever really come back...
Annie. You can see that she has yet to fully realize just how 'death' works. And it is starting to hit her now. It's like she is in denial - and you can't deny what is reality.
don't look at the icon don't look at the icon don't look at the icon
And I feel the most empathy for George, because he really is at the mercy of what he is.
And seeing him weep in the cage, that just about hurt my heart.
AND NINA! I mean, I kinda knew that you lived (unexpected spoilers are unexpected) - BUT STILL! I am so glad she is alive. I love Nina.
And, crazy though I may be, I like Lucy still. Last week was a shock, but I still like her. That old man... He is the evil one, straight up.
Oh, George and Nina... You two just shatter me.
Plus, George being a teacher. BEST. THING. EVER. (as is the errant cursing, which of course is because of much sadder things...but still was funny)
Annie. God, I just love you and your sorrowful knowledge.
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Absolutely great show this morning. Loads of new stuff (some of it quite good) and a whole bunch of what I usually play - 80's, jazz, quirky indie rock/pop, electronica.
Next show is September the 5th. ;)
Wrote on YGTHYLA. Finally.
Thought about Day By Day as I struggled my way home from the station.
Love it when my brain gets this kind of energy - all creative and such. Makes me happy.
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THIS SONG IS IT. There is something so nice about how I listen to songs, it's like I kind of fall in love with them - like an embrace that I can have at any time.
And not only is this track full of dreamy pop, but the Roman Ruins remix version is much the same.
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