The sexy lady and I agree.

Jul 15, 2010 21:01

See that link up there?

When I heard about this film (The Kids Are All Right), my first thought was actually this: "Wow, I like Julianne Moore. She'd make a great lesbian. Hmmm. I might see this."
Then I focused on Annette Benning's short hair.
And then I moved on with my life.

I probably wouldn't have even recalled this film coming out or anything, but I usually stop to watch those movie-review shows on the FLIX channel and I got to see a long trailer for this film.
And what did my little eyes latch on to (besides Annette Benning's short hair - don't ask why, I am fascinated by it...)?
My eyes saw Julianne Moore kissing Mark Ruffalo.
And so went any urge to see this film.

I might just start saying 'This Film' instead of The Kids Are All Right for the rest of my life. Anyway, I digress.

I agree with Jill Bennett.
I agree 100%.
I agree so much that I kind of think she somehow stole the thoughts from my brain and plagiarized me. Or something of that nature.

Why do I agree with Jill Bennett? Is it some latent bisexual-rage? Or perhaps I am not allowing the full breadth of sexuality to play out in a movie? Am I really more narrow than I suspect?

Uh, no.
What I am is tired of every damn film (or television show for that matter) that is even remotely main-stream taking a lesbian and putting her with a man.
I am SO tired of this worn-out plot device.
And, surprisingly, I am pissed off about it. Like really angry.

And you won't like me when I'm angry! Hulk Reference #1 has made an appearance.

So, say you are one part of a couple and you are raising teenagers and you've been together for a while and life is pretty damn good. But then you meet the previously-faceless sperm donor that helped created the teens you are now raising... What do you do, hot shot?
That's right. You sleep with him. 'Coz, really, you can't help yourself and why should you? Who would this harm? Certainly not your partner. Or those teens.
Because sexuality cannot be contained and love is love and so on and so forth.

You know what? Sexuality cannot be contained. And love is love.
But you know what else is a nice little fact?
Lesbians tend not to want to sleep with men. I know, it's pretty shocking. Maybe you should sit down.

And this film is not the "lesbian Brokeback Mountain"! Give me a break, people. Brokeback Mountain is about two men, originally meeting in the 1960's, who have this painful and bittersweet love story - which is all bookended by the fact that they cannot love openly (due to the time period and due to fear and internally-based self-loathing). They marry women, yes, but they do not love those women - not in the way one wishes to be loved in a marriage.
These two guys love each other and it tears them apart.

The Kids Are All Right is set in modern day life, where you don't really have to hide as much - and in this film, they are not hiding at all. They have a home. A life. A family. A relationship. There could be a myriad of issues that could come up - why does it have to be a man? Why is it always a man?
I mean, I guess I should be pleased that it is not suicide. Lesbians don't have to die in films anymore - they can just fuck around with dick for a while.

Seriously. High Art was masterful, Lisa Cholodenko. It had it all - lesbians, heterosexuals, drugs, Patricia Clarkson, people using people, moody atmosphere and a great soundtrack - I didn't feel like it was a sanitized version of life. I didn't feel like I was being spoon-fed a fairy tale. It felt real.

'This film' is the fairy tale. I am just not sure who it is for, though.

But it sure as fuck isn't me.

film, lesbians, rant

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