But I feel all live-wire tonight.
First off, have not had the chance to see the latest Skins episode. That's just crazy.
I do know that it has a whole big bag of drug-bomb!Effy in it, though.
Mmm. Effy is the definition of hot mess.
I am, however, following Naomily & Lily Loveless over at Tumblr (aka my new favorite place to be when online). That is how I get such awesomeness as this:
<--Her eyes should come with a warning. For real.
And this:
<--Click on it if it does not move, kids...
Ah yes. If I weren't already a lesbian, they would make me so gay.
Speaking of lesbian things, SON is still making me its bitch. I want to write, but just cannot get the focus... at the moment. It will return 'coz the plot points are still rumbling in my head.
But for now, I read a little fanfiction and stare at the girls. :)
Oh yea, end of the line lovin'.
Had a funny dream about my old swing that my father set up for me when I was a kid - in the dream, it could really soar out and Lily Loveless was swinging with me... Not sure why, but she was there and I really wanted to hold her hand.
Time for some more Bikini Kill.