Check it out. It's the time... of the seeeaaason... for poooooornnnnnnnnn!
So put that in your pipe and smoke it, kids.
Just saw Cyndi Lauper & Lady Gaga on GMA. THAT'S who Lady Gaga is, people - the next Cyndi Lauper. And they were quite awesome together, raising awareness of AIDS through cosmetics. Nice.
What else you say? Well. There is snow. Not nearly as much as my friends & family in the VA, D.C. areas are getting (stay safe, lovelies - stay home!).
We got just a dusting of the white stuff last night. Our bigger issue today is wind - gusting at a breezy 60-70 miles per hour. WTF?
I am basically living like a bear - some weird form of hibernation, where I only see daylight and the outside world once every two weeks.
*ring ring ring*
ME - Hello?
CABIN FEVER - Hey, beeyotch, wazzup?
ME - Fuck. Off.
(Seriously. I am going crazy. If that up there didn't convince you, I don't know what will.)
Finally saw some Skins! Woo! And it was angsty deliciousness. Yes, Lily did a smashing job at the end there... but I am all about Kat/Emily. Can't help it. She's a red-head and she OWNED that rooftop scene.
And I like Cook, but c'mon Naomi? Don't be even more of a twat. Yea, I said it.
Am writing the final chapter of The Falling.
Then can focus on You've Got To Hide Your Love Away & the crazy time-traveling fic.
If there are interesting prompts, will also write some porn. *nods*
Best news of all: after getting the tuition information and all my FAFSA stuff is filed (probably hear from them by the end of March), looks like my entire degree course will be covered without a worry. Don't want to count my chickens before they hatch... but... SOUNDS PRETTY FUCKING PROMISING.
:D !!!