zodion app

Oct 03, 2011 23:23


Name & LJ: Lunar Rabbit. The account used will be uselessinaba

Birthdate & Age: 12/29/1990

Characters played in Zodion: N/A


Name: Reisen 'Udongein' Inaba

Canon: Touhou Project

PB/Image: http://i56.tinypic.com/2jbs8yr.png

Info links: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Reisen_Udongein_Inaba

Canon Point: Post Touhou 13

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, but at least 40

Birthdate/Sign: Reisen has no canon birthdate, but I'll go with July 14th which would make her Cancer. She has numerous traits in common with the sign, one of the most prominent is being shrewd and intuitive. When dealing with situations around Eientei, she often has to improvise in order to solve problems. She deeply cares for her master and princess, and is willing to do anything they ask. She's compassionate, and at one point Eirin jokes that Reisen just can't say no or express her true feelings if they are negative. She can be crabby at times, especially when dealing the prankster Tewi and the other inaba.

Tattoo: Located on her right shoulder. About the size of a fist.

Suitability: n/a

Power: Manipulation of wavelengths. If something manifests itself as a wave, such as sound, then she can manipulate it. Even something like light, which is dubious when it comes to wavelength, can be manipulated. She primarily uses her skill to create powerful illusions by manipulating the light that strikes the eye. It's said that her eyes can cause insanity, but really it's just her creating illusions.

However if she truly wanted to she could drive a person insane, and indeed she is credited with having broken the mind of a human before. Wavelengths reside in all things, and even existence has a wavelength. Increasing the wavelengths in a person would make them carefree, apathetic, and all around lazy. Decreasing the wavelengths in a person would have the opposite effect. The target would become emotionally unstable and insane. There are many ways to manipulate the waves, and therefore many ways to effect her targets.

Personality: Reisen is often attributed with the ability to drive people insane, which would lead many people to think that she herself is insane. However she is ironically one of the most stable persons in Gensokyo. She tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, and often is the voice of reason in many situations. Granted that isn't hard considering that her companions are unhinged at best, but it's still worth noting.

Reisen has an interesting relationship with the people she lives with at Eientei. Eirin is an extremely talented doctor and pharmacist. She often has Reisen help her and can sometimes be quite harsh on the poor bunny. Even minor mistakes have terrible punishments, and she's not afraid to use unusual methods such as dripping hot wax onto Reisen. Meanwhile she's the pet rabbit of Kaguya. Most would complain about being seen as someone's pet, but Reisen doesn't mind it at all as it's a status she's carried her whole life. She's often tasked with solving problems around Eientei, and dutifully tries to complete any task given to her.

Reisen is something of a pacifist, although that could be attributed to her being something of a coward as well. When the moon was faced with invasion from an outside force, she fled from her military post without leave. She often tries to avoid taking sides in a conflict no matter how minor. However she becomes ferocious if someone she cares about is threatened. If that is the case, she becomes violent and does everything within her power to ensure their safety

It could be said that Reisen is a masochist. She often puts up with abuse from various sources and hardly ever complains. However to classify her as a masochist would be wrong. She doesn't enjoy pain and suffering. She enjoys making the people around her happy. She holds both Kaguya and Eirin in high esteem, as they were the ones that took her in when she deserted her military post and didn't have anyone else in the world to look to. It's only natural that she would respond to such a welcome with devotion and a willingness to serve. While it is true that being seen as a tool and a pet for all of one's life would make Reisen subservient, she doesn't see her tasks and punishments as abuse at all.

Make no doubt about it, Reisen is an incredibly hard worker. Besides Eirin, she's one of the few people who actually does any work around the mansion of Eientei. This in and of itself would be notable except for one important fact. The moment she turns her back on something, it often gets ruined. At one point, she was directing the other inaba in creating mochi for the moon viewing ceremony that night. It was quite an arduous task that took up most of the day. Whenever she turned her back on the inaba, they would sneak mochi and eat it. Thus, she had to keep a close eye on them. At the end of the day, she turned her back on the mochi pile for a brief second and that was the other inaba needed. In a blink of an eye, the inaba stole all of the mochi for themselves. As soon as Reisen learned of this, it was when Eirin and Kaguya were approaching to start the ceremony. In a fluster, Reisen was forced to improvise and had the inaba attempt to stand in for the mochi while she tried to find a solution.

This scenario also reveals to other facets of Reisen's personality. The first is that she is easily distracted. The reason that the inaba were capable of stealing the mochi was because Reisen went to go check to see if the rain had let up outside. When given a task by her master to go buy something from a store, she becomes distracted by everything else in the store and eventually completely forgets to pick up what she came for. The second thing it reveals that Reisen is quick on her feet mentally. She often has to come up with plans on the spot and isn't afraid to improvise if the situation calls for it. Her life is frantic and varied, and she often has to adapt to the situation she finds herself in.

One thing that Reisen is very passionate about is rabbits, specifically their rights. When she found out that a certain shrine festival was serving rabbit stew, she immediately started a boycott of the shrine. The shrine maiden in charge was confused because, well, rabbit stew did call for rabbit meat. To Reisen however such a meal was savage and barbarous. It didn't matter that the rabbit being served wasn't sentient like her and just a beast of a field, they were rabbits damnit and she was going to stick up for their rights!

While she is slightly reserved, Reisen gets along with most other people. Even her master's hated rival, Mokou, is capable of having her over for dinner and making small talk. She's secretive and come across as slightly rude at times. She often goes to the human village to sell medicine for her master Eirin. As soon as she's done, she vanishes without a trace and heads back to the Eientei.

"Zodion" First-Person Network Entry:

Er... Hello? Is this thing on? [ She taps the device a few times with her finger and starts to mutter under her breath. ] I swear Tewi if you are behind this... Oh. the green light's on. I guess that means that other people can hear me? Because it's frustrated saying the same thing over and over again only to learn that you never sent the message out in the first place.

Anyway, I don't know who set this up but it isn't very funny. Hauling me off somewhere to some strange area and then just leaving me. The magic was creepy, and I know master won't appreciate the way you've branded me. I'm not some stupid beast that lives in the fields you know! Even then you shouldn't just go around burning animals just to mark them. That's not nice!

And what was up with that creepy letter? [ She brandishes the generic welcome letter and starts to read it. ] For your sex appeal, you have been chosen from among all the times and galaxies to aid us... Really? You better take me back to Eientei right now or you won't like it when master comes looking for me.

"Zodionlogs" Third-Person Prose Entry: (200 word min)

Reisen groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes. She hadn't slept well, and it wasn't hard to see why. She had apparently fallen asleep in this rocky temple, which would have been less concerning if she had remembered falling asleep here. She hadn't been drinking the previous night, so drunken shenanigans were not to fault. Tewi...? A possibility at the least. The rabbit always had a mischevious streak, but still this was something too grandiose for her.

"Tewi?" she asked as she stood up. Nothing. Of course Tewi wouldn't respond. "Hey! If you think this is funny you're wrong! Come on out. Master will be upset if I'm late on whatever duties she has for me today."

The only response Reisen received was the silence of the surrounding environment. It was unnerving to say the least, and Reisen was starting to get uncomfortable. It had been years since she had been away from Eientei, and when she had it was generally for something her master wanted. To be out here in a strange area with no sense of purpose or direction didn't just put Reisen on edge. It frightened her to no end.

She was about to call out again, but something caught her eye. It was a ornate, glowing box, and for some reason Reisen felt an indescribable attraction to it. She couldn't exactly explain the feeling, and that made her even more nervous. Something was definitely off, and she wanted to just avoid the box altogether. However ignoring it only served to worsen that knot in her stomach. Eventually she caved. Taking a few tentative steps forward, she held her breath expecting the worse. She let it out in a scream as suddenly water sprung up and surrounded her. The water was surprising, but even more so was the fact that her reflection showed her body off without clothing.

She stumbled back, trying to escape from the sphere, but the water wouldn't give. Now not only was she scared, she was soaking wet. She pushed against it for a few moments before she pulled back, a sharp pain on her shoulder. She glanced at it, noticing for the first time that she still had her clothes on. She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. How embarrassing. A quick glance around showed however that the reflection still had in the nude. She shivered despite herself. Well, it could be worse. There could be someone around watching her.

Well at any rate, she needed to find a way out of this trap. It could be that she was stuck until the person who set the magic spell came back, but that didn't mean she couldn't try to escape. When she reached out her hand to touch the water, she notices it in the mirror reflection. A tattoo. How disgusting. It felt awful, as if she was some unruly beast that had been branded to mark ownership. She reached over, frantically scratching at it in an attempt to remove it but to no avail. All her attempts did was scratch the flesh. Like it or not, it was there to stay.

To her surprise, the water retreated back to the pool surrounding the box. She hesitated, once again finding her gaze pulled to the glowing box. She hesitated for the briefest of moments. If her first attempt had been met with a failure, so why should she try again? It was foolish to even think about it. She should just walk away and figure out how to get back home. And yet... She couldn't help herself. She practically stormed over to it, ripping off the top.

It was going to be one of those days.
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