
Dec 29, 2020 22:02

Pseudonym: Jen
Age: 27
Time Zone: EST
AIM: RockinTheHD
RPG experience: I've run a couple of games (Time, Space, and the Rift - a Doctor Who/Torchwood based game) and Vas Captio - a panfandom horror/survival game on InsaneJournal), and I've played on and off for about ten years or so. Characters have been both original and canon. My most recent canon characters, since they're most heavily played and more relevant, can be found on InsaneJournal: Andy Gallagher from Supernatural (brain_ninja, played first at Mirage and currently at Vas Captio; Shannon Rutherford from Lost (ballerinadreams, played first at Mirage and currently at Vas Captio), Sid Jenkins from Skins (emo_underdog, played previously at Vas Captio and currently out of play), and Kimberly Corman (cheatingdeath, currently played at Vas Captio. I also played Donna Noble from Doctor Who at Time, Space, and the Rift for a while. Not that I have any proof of it, but I have also sidelined as James Doakes from Dexter, Claire Littleton from Lost, and Finn Hudson from Glee, from time to time.
Your Fandoms: Might be easier to ask what I'm not into... Dead Like Me, Dexter, Doctor Who, Final Destination series, Life on Mars, Primeval, Skins, Supernatural, Torchwood, and United States of Tara being the flavors of the year.
How did you find the game: I'm in the game ;)
Who Do You Respect?: Aretha ftw!

Fandom: Skins
Name: Sidney (Sid) Jenkins
Birthdate: July 20, 1990
Age: 18
Physical Appearance: Sid stands at 5'9" with brown eyes hidden behind his black-rimmed glasses. He wears his moppy brown hair beneath beanies nearly all the time, often creating fodder for teasing from his friends who sometimes find the ever-present beanies stupid. He is most likely to wear jeans and grubby t-shirts, usually layered over long-sleeve shirts, and usually looks disheveled, tired, and/or intoxicated either by alcohol or any number of narcotics.
Education: Sid just finished his A-levels, but he's undecided on whether or not to go to Uni.
Occupation: n/a
Significant Other: Cassie Ainsworth, girlfriend...sort of? That's a long story, but if you ask, Sid will probably tell it.
Sexual Preference: heterosexual

History: Sid Jenkins was born and raised in Bristol, England by his parents Liz and Mark Jenkins. His core group of friends consists of Tony Stonem, Michelle Richardson, Anwar Kharral, Maxxie Oliver, Cassie Ainsworth, Chris Miles, and Jal Fazer; he spends the majority of his time with this group of friends although most specifically with Tony, Michelle, and Cass. For the majority of his canon, he is a student in his sixth form, preparing for potentially moving on to University.

Having the lowest self-esteem in the group although he may very likely have the most stabile home life (which is a stretch, considering), Sid sometimes feels a little like the one on the outside looking in. He takes a lot of shit from his friends and does it willingly just to remain a part of the crowd. Even Jal, who tends to be the most reasonable and kind in the group only spends time alone with him when "he'll do" because no one else is available. For all intents and purposes, Sid is the friend that nobody likes.

Just before Sid's seventeenth birthday, his best friend Tony promises that Sid will lose his virginity. Sid comes to find that, while he'd been hoping for Michelle, Tony and Michelle had set him up with Cassie Ainsworth because Cassie is, they say, easy. Tired of being a virgin, Sid reluctantly agrees but instead ends up playing babysitter to Cass when, on an empty stomach, Cass does too many drugs and passes out. Afraid she's going to die, he pleads for the rest of the group to help him get her to the hospital. On the way, Cassie wakes up and is fine and in the process of heading back, the group crashes the borrowed vehicle into a pond and Sid loses the spliff he'd gotten on an understood loan from a shady drug dealer called the Mad Twatter. He'd been meant to sell the spliff and pay the loan back within two days.

When Sid finds out later that Cassie is an anorexic and he is especially nice to her, she thinks, by showing compassion toward her, she confronts him about sending her text messages telling her to eat; Sid had never done any such thing. However, he and Cass start to become close. When he's unable to do pay back the debt for the spliff, Madison Twatter takes up a substitute position at Sid's school to turn the heat up. While walking with Jal one night, the Mad Twatter confronts him, cornering Sid and his innocent friend, and breaks Jal's clarinet as a warning that he'd better pay up or he's next. Sid then takes a whomping from Jal's older brothers when they think that he's the problem and he's left beaten when they are clued in and chase Madison instead. Mad Twatter stops being a problem for Sid after Jal's father and his bodyguards "take care of it" off-screen.

Cassie asks him on a date and he agrees, only to end up being grounded and having to cancel on her. Later, he's offered a chance to see Michelle - for whom he very much still carries a torch - by Tony and he takes it. Though, after returning home, he finds Cassie waiting in his room, understandably upset because of the implication that he'd simply stood her up. He feels badly but is, on the whole, oblivious to the fact that behind her positive attitude, she's very hurt and jealous that he cares so much about Michelle when Michelle treats him so badly. He is made to believe that Michelle is available, though, so he gives up on Cassie for the time being only to be shot down when Tony takes Michelle back, proving that he has power over both Sid and Michelle. Once again, Sid had been manipulated for Tony's benefit. Because of Sid's behavior, he is blamed by Jal for Cassie's having overdosed on pills and washing them down with vodka in her depression.

On a school trip to Russia, he helps Anwar free a girl they believe to be her abusive father. In the end, it turned out that the man was actually the girl's husband. On the way back, he notices a sketch that his friend Maxxie has drawn of Cass and compliments Maxxie on how beautiful he'd made Cass look in it. Maxxie replies that Cassie is beautiful and in retrospect, that is the point at which Sid realizes that he really wants Cassie, rather than Michelle. This is confirmed when, on the rebound, Michelle tries to have sex with Sid and he can't make himself do it, realizing that he still loves her, but only plantonically. So, the two of them head to the rehab clinic to find Cassie so that Sid can tell her so. He is, however, disappointed to find out after he professes his love for her that Cassie has a boyfriend already.

When Tony's sister Effy goes missing, Sid grudgingly goes along with Tony to find her. He was still upset with Tony about the betrayal in regards to Michelle, but as loyal as he is, he goes along. He ends up getting into a big fight with Tony when Tony derisively points out that Sid wants so badly to be another Tony and Sid rebuts that Tony is something he'd never want to be. They split up and Sid leaves Tony to find his sister on his own, meeting up with Cassie in a diner, instead, where they share their first kiss. Shortly thereafter, though, Sid gets a phone call from Michelle asking for him to come help Tony and Effy. Since Michelle expressed fear that the two might be in danger, much to Cassie's disappointment, Sid leaves Cassie to meet up with Michelle. When he finds them and takes them to the hospital, in spite of being angry with Tony, he is the first to defend Tony when Tony's parents accuse Tony of being a failure as a big brother as well as a bad influence to Effy and the reason for her current state. In spite of being angry with his friend, always loyal Sid can't just sit back and listen to that.

Unable to find Cassie after the fact, he tries to write her a letter to tell her how much he loves her, only to decide to go to the rehab clinic in person, looking a horrible mess in his hurry to leave. He misses Cassie by mere minutes and explains his situation without actually mentioning Cassie's name to the nurse at the reception desk. Being misunderstood, Sid is led to a padded room and checked in, only to be released from the clinic when Tony comes to help him out. They then, dragging Effy along, go looking for Cassie. When he's unable to find her, however, he gives up and heads to Anwar's birthday part only to leave shortly thereafter. He'd found Cassie sitting on a bench overlooking the city and he sits beside her, holding her hand.

There is a lapse in canon that moves to the next school year. Sid has also distanced himself from Tony, uncomfortable with Tony's condition (outside Anwar's party the previous season, Tony was on the phone with Michelle, fighting, and was hit by a bus, left in a state of rehab in which he has to relearn all of his motor skills). He can't bring himself to visit his best friend once he's awakened from his coma, although Sid had been the one tending to Tony the most after the accident, even sitting and reading and reading whole books out loud to Tony and recording message to try and help wake him up.

Sid and Cassie's relationship has since deteriorated since she's moved to Scotland. Because of the lack of contact with Cass, Sid begins to resent the fact that she's moved away. This is because he'd lost his virginity to her before she'd gone and felt even more connected with her than he had previously. In his unhappiness with the situation, he misinterprets Cassie's relationship with her roommate after seeing her in her underwear on her webcam, getting into bed with the roommate. It turns out that the roommate is gay, but in his initial anger and with his jumping to conclusions, he throws his laptop onto the floor, completely shattering it. Later, his emotional distress is compounded when a visit from family members puts an extra strain on his parents who have since divorced and are faking continued marriage to please the family. After his aunt, uncle, and cousins leave, Sid finds his father's body the following morning, a burnt down cigarette in one hand and a bottle of liquor in the other. The visit had taken too much a toll on his father. In his shock, Sid goes to school as though nothing happened, but eventually breaks down in front of Tony who goes back to Sid's house with him and helps him deal with the situation at hand. Their tumultuous relationship is easily patched up due to Tony's support when Sid really needs him. He decides to go to Scotland to visit Cassie, but she is on her way to Bristol, unbeknownst to him.

Still grieving and upset that he'd been unable to find Cassie, Sid sleeps with Michelle on a camping trip. The drama in Sid's rocky love life comes to a head when Cassie, who had returned from Scotland to visit Sid, catches him kissing Michelle in his bedroom. Cassie confronts the two of them in front of all their friends and, in turn, the tryst between Sid and Michelle is revealed to Tony, who is hurt by the betrayal of his best friend and ex-girlfriend. When Sid tries to explain himself, Cassie slaps him and tells him off, throwing his father's death back in his face by insisting that he can't use that as a crutch to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.

Sid and Michelle then go to patch things up with Tony only to be avoided completely. They give up and later Tony finds the two of them having sex in the bathroom stall of a club. There, Tony tells them that he loves them both and kisses Sid repeating that he loves his friend, even though he's a "useless fucker." For Sid, the insult is unsurprising and doesn't seem to phase him. Tony then tells Sid that he doesn't love or belong with Michelle; that Sid's heart belongs to Cassie. Actually, Sid finds himself agreeing with it and commissions Effy's help to sort out his "fucking soap opera" in exchange for doing her art homework for her. In the process of such, he finds pictures of Cassie kissing another guy and so he confronts her. They forgive one another and are back together again, neither knowing that that was Effy's plan to fix things the whole time.

After Chris's unfortunate death, Chris's biological father approaches Sid and Tony, telling them that neither they nor any of Chris's other friends are welcome to attend the funeral because they are bad influences and, thus, part of the reason behind Chris's death. Angry and hurt, Tony and Sid decide to steal Chris's coffin - with him in it - to have their own funeral for him. After being chased through Bristol by a hurse trying to reclaim the coffin and the body, they take Chris in his coffin back home only to told off by a digusted Michelle and Jal. They return the coffin and attend the funeral, anyway, remaining up on the hill, watching from above. At the end of the priest's ceremony, the gang set off fireworks and have a party, because that was what they all felt Chris would have wanted. While sitting around the campfire discussing what they all plan to do after finishing school, Tony forgives Sid and Sid accepts a ticket to New York City to find Cass who ran away after having Chris die in her arms.

He arrives in New York City, armed with a photo of Cass and asking everyone he passes if they have seen her. Very few even acknowledge him. At some point, he passes the restauant where Cassie is working, but he doesn't see her*. Unprepared financially, Sid wanders around the city until nightfall and shares a bottle of whiskey with a bum before falling asleep in a box (to avoid the rain) a few blocks from Times Square. The next morning, he wakes up in Canada, although he has no idea how he got there. To be fair, though, he was pretty pissed, so it wasn't like he realizes right away that he's not still in New York.

*The series/season ends with Sid standing in front of Cassie's restaurant with his back to the window and her back to him from t he inside. It's never really shown whether he sees her or she sees him, so I've taken my own spin on the canon from there on as that is Sid's last appearance on the show.

Personality in seven words or less: awkward, tactless, uncomfortable, intelligent, pathetic, sad, wannabe
How Others Perceive Your Character: ...pretty much the same. Sid's a geek. He's insanely intelligent, although most people would never know it because he dumbs himself down in the presence of others. Sid is also desperate to be noticed, appreciated, and considered a peer. He tries too hard and it shows.
Beliefs, Convictions, Morals: Sid's main belief is that life is shit, he's useless and crap, and change sucks.
Reason(s) for Escaping to Canada: ...he's in Canada?
Their DHAs [Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations] for Canada: Sid has no idea he's not in New York City, still, so he's still hoping to find Cassie.

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:

1. What turns them on: Cassie. Michelle. Beer. Spliff!
2. What turns them off: Being teased. School. the Mad Twatter
3. Would they see a shrink: No, thanks. I've seen how crap Angie is at making people feel better.
4. Worst Childhood experience: ...I could go on forever and let's not dwell too much on the past, yeah?
5. Favorite Film: Lord of the Rings (not that I'm a fan of admitting it out loud, so let's keep that to ourselves, yeah?)
6. Favorite Song: I'll Be Okay by McFly (again, not that I like to admit it, so...right).
7. Favorite Word: Twat
8. Least Favorite Word: anorexia
9. Favorite Curse Word: ...oh bollocks, that's also twat. Haha
10. Best gift ever received: Cass. Sort of. Dunno whether she counts since it, y'know, wasn't my birthday or anything. But technically, she was a gift from Tony and Michelle. But, like I said...sort of.
11. Sound or Noise they hate: puking. 's bloody disgusting, that.
12. Sound or Noise they love: Cassie's voice whispering in my ear.
13. Do they know the answer to 64 million dollar question: ...I don't even know what the sodding question is. What?
14. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage...and I'm hiding in the wings.
15. Did Yoko Ono really break up the Fab Four: Completely. What a twat.
16. Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee: Neither. John Wayne.
17. Half full or half empty: empty. Usually quite near completely, actually.
18. Coke or Pepsi: Beer, ha.
19. If they were a Jellybean flavor, which one: Vomit. Like, you know, those Harry Potter flavors, half of which are crap and no one wants? That'd be me.
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Nothing. When it's over, I just want it to be over, yeah?

→writing samples
Sample Journal Entry : All the girls here are, like...nice. It's weird. Sometimes I actually think they care. That' The blokes are pretty cool too, don't get me wrong, it's just...'m not used to girls noticing me unless they want something. I don't get that feeling here. I almost like it if it didn't make me so uncomfortable and paranoid.

I still miss Cass. A lot. 'm not sure I'll ever see her again... I hope she's happy and safe, though, if I can't be there to see for myself. I hope she misses me, too, or at least thinks of me.

Sample RPG : One of my favorite threads for Sid, when I played him in Vas (played against Cheryl Mason from Silent Hill 3)

Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character: Just the tiny bit that's ambiguous in canon, but that's next to the asterisk at the end of his history section.


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