Apr 28, 2006 23:32
just tell her u think she's amazing.
play with her hair.
pick her up & pretend to throw her.
she'll scream & fight but she'll secretly love it.
hold her hand.
pick flowers from other peoples yards & give them to her.
tell her she looks beautiful.
tell her stupid jokes just to hear her laugh.
throw rocks at her window at night.
play in the snow.
call her for no reason.
jump on the bed with her.
sing to her. {no matter how bad you are}
get her mad. then kiss her.
make cds of songs that remind u of her.
write letters.
listen to her favorite songs.
look into her eyes.
remember dates, like the time u first kissed.
kiss her in the rain.
kiss her in the snow.
kiss her when she least expects it.