This is done sooner than expected. (:
Vermilion aged into a perrrrty teenager.
Padmé gave birth to triplets.
Crazy Krystal was crazy.
And the family experienced their first loss (besides R2), the death of Goodwin.
As you can see, the La Forces are still in mourning. Grieving really seemed to help, though. Seriously. Clicking on the tombstone and pressing Mourn changes the “grieving” moodlet thing from -50 to -25. Everyone’s a little happier. :D
Shiloh took Goodwin’s death the hardest. Knowing that she would inevitably be reunited with him soon enough didn’t comfort her. It only made her worry about how her daughter would deal with life on her own, without both her parents to guide her.
On a brighter note, this fiiine young thang walked in to repair the computer (Goodwin mastered the handiness skill before he passed and used to repair everything..). Oh Gateon, I found a potential wife for youuuu!
Gateon: -hides-
It seemed all those years of changing diapers were finally catching up to Shiloh. She’d had enough of the triplets already.
Shiloh: “Let’s see, I had eight kids of my own, helped raise my oldest two grandchildren, and now I’m stuck with three more sacks of poop and puke. That’s.. thirteen children! THIRTEEN FUCKING CHILDREN. I would say that’s enough.”
Lucky for Shiloh the triplets are the last kids Padmé’s ever gonna give birth to. :P
Shiloh: “You’re lucky you’re adorable.”
Olivine: :D “EEEE!”
Because Bryce is a slob and is physically incapable of cleaning up after himself, he hired a maid.
Bryce: “And make sure we get a cute one with a frilly little dress. Yes. Thank you!”
Well he’s not wearing a frilly little dress, but at least they got the cute part right. ;D HAAAAY VERMI!
Vermilion: “It’s illegal.”
Oh yeah. /: But you’ll be an adult.. soon... (;
..What is it with Padmé running into all her siblings at the junkyard?
I was scoping for potential spouses outside the high school (or ‘creepin’ as the hip kids call it) and came across thiissss fine specimen. I recognized her as the daughter of a sim I made and placed in Twinbrook to kinda outweigh the fug. KINDA BREAKING THE RULES. Oh well. Turns out her name is Leah Chamberlain, and she has freckles. :3 OH GATEEEEONNNN!
Gateon: “Please stop trying to set me up with chicks.”
Butbutbut! This one’s hawwwwt! And she gots freckles. I want freckle babies.
Gateon: “I... don’t even know what to say to that.”
You don’t have to say anything, beeeecause:
And it is, so a party was in order. I invited this nice looking teenage boy for Vermi. (;
And this perrrrty girl as a back up for Gateon.
And then there’s Yoda.. who’s family and isn’t getting set up with his niece. Way to break the pattern, Yoda.
Yoda: “Sorry I’m not into incest, jeez.”
K;LADJKFLKJSDF! -GASP- ANI?!??! OHMAGAH I MISSED YOU. I see you aged up.. and the fug hair got you. |: Oh well, I still lurrrv you. <3
Anakin: “..Who are you?”
Way to piss everyone off, Ecruteak. Even though I’m not sure she was even near them since I don’t see her in the picture... Baha. XD
Anyway, now for the main event! Gate’s eighteenth birthday. :3
Well hellooo sexykins. (;
Gateon: “Yep. That’s not embarrassing me at all.”
WHOA ALMOST FORGOT. Gateon’s fifth and final trait is Light Sleeper. Fun. |: And his LTW is to Become a Superstar Athlete.
I... have no idea what’s going on here. It seems to me that Anakin said something to piss hat chick off, which in turn pissed red t-shirt boy off, which made crazy hair guy cover his ears? Lolz @ Eterna just playing with her dollies in the background. :P
CrazyHairGuy: “This is just like my parents divorce all over again.. IF I CAN’T THEM THEY DON'T EXIST.”
AHAHAHAHA- Ahah.. aha. That wasn’t supposed to be funny, was it?
HatChick: “Beeetch you did not just go there. I’LL CUT YA.”
RedT-ShirtBoy: “Rage... SEETHING RAAAAAAGE!”
Hay time to age up Leah and HatChick so Gateon can legally bang date one of ‘em! ;D
Leah turned out fiiiine.
And so did HatChick. Though I suppose she really isn’t HatChick anymore, so.. we’ll call her BikiniChick. :F
BikiniChick: “I have a name, you know.”
You do! I just don’t remember it. :D
Gateon really seemed to connect with Leah. They conversed over birthday cake.
BikiniChick didn’t like that.
BikiniChick: “I KNOW that hussy isn’t chatting up my man.”
Well.. she kinda is. And Gateon isn’t your “man”! He’s my man. (; JKJK NO SIMCEST. If anything he’s Leah’s man.
This is rather.. odd. Having just one kid attending school at a time. Seems lonely.
Vermilion: “...I’m a loner.”
OH RIGHT. Well you’re in antisocial heaven right now, then. 8D
Gateon promptly called Leah to go out on a date. The two made plans to meet at The Red Rendezvous.
As soon as he got there he complimented her cleverness.
Gateon: “Leah, you’re really, y’know, like, smart and stuff. Edumacated, if you will.”
How he graduated from high school I’ll never know.
Leah didn’t seem to mind.
And then they just kept smiling at each other, for like an entire half hour. o_o Granted that was like 30 seconds real time, but still.
Gateon: “DUDE, you’re athletic? I’M athletic!”
Leah: “YOU’RE athletic? I’M athletic!”
Match made in heaven.
Gateon: “I heard Jar Jar La Force acted quite rudely to Yoda La Force.”
YES, an evil sim acting rudely towards a good sim is practically UNHEARD OF.
Gateon finally asked her the question of all questions- was she single?
Evidently yes, she is. :3
They then proceeded to go inside and grab a drink. At separate tables.
Gateon: “I can’t help it! Pretty girls make me nervous.”
You’re more like your grandma then you’ll ever know.
Gateon: “..She gets nervous around beautiful women too?”
..This deserves more than a facepalm. A facesmash seems more appropriate. -_-
HEYGOODWIN! You’re finally visiting everyone.
Goodwin: “Something like that.”
Goodwin: “Before I died I downloaded an emulator for Super Mario. I’m back to finish what I started. TO HELL WITH YOU, BOWSER!”
Funny, I don’t remember Goodwin being so obsessed with the computer in his lifetime.. What makes ghosts suddenly so interested in computers? >_<
The weirdest part was how long he was out. Usually ghosts disappear in a gross-looking cloud of smoke at about 5 AM for me.. It’s 7AM.
Goodwin: “What can I say, I missed my family!”
Or the computer. ¬_¬
Goodwin then proceeded to haunt the birthday cake I put out for the triplets. OOH, SPRINKLES AND FROSTING, SCAAAARRYY.
Goodwin: “WELL IF YOU WERE LACTOSE INTOLERANT, this would be a nightmare.”
Then he got his gross green fart smoke all over one of the triplets’ birthday cakes. Just thank Grandpa Goodwin, kids, for making your cake taste like ass.
Eterna was up first, as usual.
Eterna rolled Can’t Stand Art as her third trait. Meh.
What are you glaring at, Ettie? AW CUTE NICKNAME. :D
Eterna: “The art on my father’s shirt. It disgusts me.”
Next was Olivine. Or Oli for short. OOOUU ANOTHER CUTE NICKNAME. :D
I need to stop.
Olivine rolled Photographer’s Eye as her third trait. I can already see that she and Eterna are not gonna get along. :P
Last but not least, Ecruteak. Or Teak for short. I’M SORRY. IT NEVER ENDS.
Ecruteak looks almost just like Olivine. I’ve never had multiples who are almost identical. ANYWAY, Teak got Loser as her third trait. Poor girl.
Maybe her loserdom caused her to morph into this freakish beast? D:
At least she snapped back.. after a while.
Eterna got a very smart makeover, as she’s our resident nerd triplet.
Olivine got a very artistic one, as she’s the artsy triplet.
And Ecruteak is posing in her gym clothes, because she’s the oddball triplet.
Almost immediately afterwards, the girls all crowded around their big brother. I think they all kinda look up to him. c:
Ecruteak: “Hey big brother, why are you so cool?”
Olivine: “I wanted to ask him!”
Gateon: “I ah, I don’t.. know? I didn’t realize I was so cool.” -ego flourishes-
Ecruteak: “Aren’t you excited for when we get older and get to go to parties and drink beer and stuff?”
Olivine: “Teak, you are so weird.”
Padmé: “Oh god, it’s a mini Goodwin..”
Now that Gateon was an adult, he decided it was time for him to get a job.
Gateon: “Yep. I’m officially a rabid fan in the athletic career.”
Oh Jesus, it’s Ani & Padmé all over again. Guys, why isn’t Eterna sitting near you?
Olivine: “She doesn’t have black hair and blue eyes.”
Ecruteak: “And this is the ‘Black Hair & Blue Eyes’ club.”
Eterna: “I-it’s okay. I’ll.. I’ll start my own club. The ‘Blonde Hair & Brown Eyes’ club.. I’ll be f-fine... -sniff-”
After school, Vermilion called up her friend Sherman to hang out.
They met at the park to gossip to their little hearts content.
Vermilion: “I heard Jar Jar La Force has got a new job.”
What is with this family’s obsession with gossiping about Jar Jar? I DON’T UNDERSTAND.
Looks like their “date” er whatever wasn’t going so well.
Vermilion: “SO HERE’S WHAT I THINK. The moon is, in fact, made of cheese. Why else would the astronauts wanna go up there so bad?”
Sherman: “Dude, you’re crazy. Just.. just stop talking.”
Vermilion: “Well.. I’m actually more neurotic... than anything else.. So... that’s better than insanity?”
Sherman: “Not by much, man.”
Back at the restaurant somewhere in Twinbrook...
Bryce: “Over-protective father senses... TINGLING. Somehow, somewhere... my baby girl is with a boy. He must be stopped.”
Vermilion: “Haaay, you know you’re pretty cute.” (;
It’s scary how Bryce knows these things. OH WAIT, the restaurant he works at is right across the street from the park where Vermi is. XD
Sherman: “Um.. thanks? But no thanks. Friends?”
Vermilion: “Awwww. Okay.”
Sherman: “I’M STARVING.”
Vermilion: “You know, you’re pretty cute when you’re starving.” (;
/facepalm. -_-
Welp, that’s the end of this chapter. Sorry if it was kinda short. WHERE YOU AT, SILLY QUESTIONS?
-Is there a certain lady with the name Leah in Gateon’s future?
-Will Vermi ever find someone who can accept her neurotic tendencies?
Ahem. All this and more, next time. As always, comments are appreciated and adored. <3 Thank yaaaah!