The La Force Legacy: Generation 7, Ch. 2

Nov 03, 2012 19:58

Spock met and later started dating a lovely girl by the name of Harlow (jossoco). A teen party was had, and the adults of the household were none the wiser. The family relocated to Glendalough due to glitches, but that's okay because Glendalough's awesome. Saria and Septimus became elders, whlie Spock and Harlow became young adults. ohyeah_sims's beloved Dalek passed away. <|3 Go!

Warning: this entry may contain strong language, adult themes, and an explosion of toddlers.

With the new house came a new guinea pig-like thing. I can't remember its name, but Harlow really seems to like it.

Harlow: You're a cute little thing, aren'tcha? I just wanna eat you up!

Harlow. Please don't actually eat the guinea pig. D:

Being that his LTW is distinguished director, Spock got a job in the film career right away. And from the looks of it, his first day didn't go so well.

Spock: I'm a background extra. I don't even want to act! I'm a director, dammit! An artiste!

Harlow: Bad day?

Spock: Ugh, you don't know the half of it. But coming home to you dressed like this is... ahem.. um... really nice.

Harlow: Oh, well in that case...

Annoying gifs aside, Rogue went out to play for tips and ran into none other than my Cawlin from Skyward Sword! I populated Glendalough with a mixture of my own sims and other people's sims that were found on either LJ or simblr. The only bad thing about this is I'll be devastated if the La Forces ever have to move. ;-; Pictured in the background is auberginesims's Rufus Hope.

Someone's excited for his second day of work. :D

Spock: Oh yeah. Background Extra #13 is real excited to 'walk nonchalantly down the street.'

Harlow spent most of the day trying to get this stray to live with them. Her LTW is Animal Rescuer, after all.

Harlow: Oh my, how precious are you?! Wanna come live with us, little guy? I could just cuddle with you forever and ever and ever and ev- wait, where are you going?! Come back! ...Please?

Stray: Oh, you know, I'd love to, but I just remembered I have an owner somewhere... on the other side of town... far, far away from here...

Harlow is slightly overbearing when it comes to animals. You'll get 'em next time, bb.

On the bright side, the first child of generation eight appears to be on his or her way. (':

Harlow: Oh gods, what is Spock going to say? We haven't even discussed marriage yet! Oh gods, what will his parents think?!

Harlow: Okay, deep breaths Harlow, worrying about it isn't going to do any good. I just have to find something to do until Spock gets home from work... for ten hours... No biggie, right?

The ten longest hours of Harlow's life later...

Harlow: Spock! I'm so glad your home. Listen, I have something to tell you, and... it's kind of big. Like, really big. Gigantic. Enormous, even.

Spock: Alright, then. Spit it out.

Harlow: I might be a teensy bit pregnant...

Spock: W-what?!

Harlow: Just a smidge! But I know we can do it, Spock, I know we'll make great parents. So long as your parents don't mind helping out once in a while. You're not angry, are you?

Spock: Angry? How could I be angry? This is fantastic news! Mom and dad might be a little surprised, but I'm sure they'll come around. Good gods, I can hardly believe it myself! We're going to be parents, Harlow.

Harlow: I know, I'm so happy! I love you.

Spock: I love you too, Harlow.

Spock: Oh, that reminds me! I have something to tell you too.

Harlow: Don't tell me, you got a promotion already! That's gre-!

Spock: Oh no, nothing like that. Um... Harlow?

Spock: I love you more than anything in this world, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our little growing family. Will you... be my forever girl?

Harlow: Oh, Spock, of course I will! ♥

Harlow's pregnancy proved to be a rather quiet (if not mundane) one, most days were spent reading up on pregnancy books with Spock.

Even the maid's excited to have a little one in the new house.

Julia: Won't be long now, huh? How exciting! Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?

Harlow: I know, but Spock wants to be surprised so I've been sworn to secrecy.

Julia: Well, what did you have in mind for names?

Harlow: Aang if it's a boy, Katara if it's a girl. Spock's been trying to talk me into Fire Lord Ozai for a boy, but I told him that's a bit much.




Harlow: We've been on a bit an Avatar kick lately.

Julia: ..Ah.

Once again I failed to take enough pictures of Harlow's pregnancy so it looks like she was pregnant for like a day. .__. But whatevs, let's get on with it.

Saria: Uh, Spock?! We've got a code red situation in the living room!

Spock: Hang on, I've got some goopy carbonara in my teeth! I need to look presentable for the baby!

Meet Aang La Force, an eccentric little boy who hates the outdoors. He likes spaghetti, R&B, and the color spiceberry.

He's aged up immediately because I'm impatient. He looks an awful lot like his mother, but his coloring is all dad. c':

Harlow: Mommy loves you, Aang~ ♥ So does daddy, even if he is vain and missed the birth of his first child because of it... >.>

Aang: Teehee, daddy vain!

Their wedding was the next day, and the shots were a little rushed because Spock kept disappearing whenever I directed him to the wedding arch. Not even resetSim was working. |: Luckily I was able to fix it. Anyway, have some mini-spam~

Harlow: Well, looks like Aang's going to have a little brother or sister!


Harlow: What? Spock and I are married now, Saria. I can't see why you'd have a problem with-

Harlow: Oh.

A very pregnant Sonata Ufgood (pixiesims) was one of the wedding guests, and ended up going into labor in the La Forces' kitchen. Lucky for Sonata (and Saria's kitchen floor), she was able to make it to the hospital before giving birth.

After that, things settled down a bit. And so while the boys were relaxing upstairs...

...the ladies were downstairs chit-chatting over leftover cake.

Harlow: And so I said, Spock, for the eleventh time, please take out the trash! Ugh, please tell me men are more inclined to listen as they get older?

Saria: Nope.

Rogue: Sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart.

Septimus: Hey there sport! You look so much like your gran, you know that? She and I love you very, very much.

Sep is shaping up to be an excellent grandaddy. :3

And Aang is just the cutest little thing kshdkfjhsdf ♥

Rogue is inches away from completing her LTW, so the house is still always filled with her music.

Meanwhile, Spock's upstairs teaching Aang to walk.

And just being generally adorable.

gdi grim you sonuvvabitch. ;_____________;

I know once you've seen one sim death you've pretty much seen 'em all, but... for me, Rogue's death feels like the saddest of this legacy since Anakin's. ;-;

Grim!Anakin: Come Rogue, join your great great great great great great uncle in the afterlife. *sing-songy voice* Being related to the Reaper means getting the good parking spoooots...!

Rogue: There's parking in the afterlife..? Never mind. Just look at their faces, Grim. How could I possibly leave them behind?

Rogue: Please? Let me stay, nobody on the other side has to know!

Grim!Anakin: I'm terribly sorry, love, but it must be done. Begging will only make this harder.

R.I.P. Rogue La Force, age 121.

Rogue was one of my all-time favorite members of the La Force family, hands down. She was a creative (albiet somewhat emotional) dreamer who had an intense love for music and cars, but despite all of that she always managed to put her family first. The house is going to seem incredibly empty and quiet without her. <|3

Spock tried to distract himself from thoughts about his grandmother's death by devoting all his time and attention to his wife.

Harlow: I miss Rogue just as much as everyone else does, but I can't really complain. Back aches suck.

Spock: C'mon Spock, don't think about grandma. Make waffles! Waffles make everything better.

Spock: Everything sucks. ;-;

Harlow: Spock, sweetheart, you're under a lot of stress right now. Here, let me do it.

~le waiting~

Harlow: ...Well damn, I guess I forgot that neither of us can cook to save our lives.

Spock: No worries, love. I think we'll be sticking to PB&J for a while, if that's okay.

Harlow: Absolutely, I'll take cold supper over burning the house down any day.

I really shouldn't be surprised, seeing as Spock was voted Most Likely to Burn Down His Own House anyway. |:

After dinner, father and son head upstairs for a good video game/Mr. Horsie session. These two are almost always together, I can't get over how cute that is. :3

Meanwhile, Saria puts the new slip-n-slide to good use.

Saria: And the kids say I'm not cool. Pfffft.

Spock: No no no, Mom, you're doing it all wrong! Here, watch.

Saria: Meh, you young people think you're always right. >.>

Harlow: Something doesn't feel quite right. I can't explain it, I just know it's unpleasant and strangely familiar...

Harlow: OH. RIGHT.

Another boy! Meet Sokka La Force, a brave light sleeper who favors hamburgers, pop music, and irish green.

This little guy looks a lot like his momma too! And kshkjshdf I can't tell you how stoked I am that he inherited Harlow's adorable ears. ♥

I don't really have a reason behind posting this picture, I just think it's really cute. (':

And, as it happens, Harlow is pregnant again.

Harlow: Think we'll finally get a girl this time?

Spock: I dunno, I'm kinda liking the boy streak. Pretty soon we'll have enough for our own little basketball team!

Harlow: You do realize that Sokka can't even walk yet, right?

Spock: Well... that's on my to-do list.

Birthday time for Aang!

Aang gained party animal for his third trait, making him an eccentric, outdoors-hating party animal.

He made good use of that new party animal trait right away.

Aang: Jagger? Pffft, try Moves Like Aang.

Yet another boy! Spock should be happy. :P Anyway, his name is Zuko La Force, and he is both disciplined and insane. He likes french music, sushi, and the color pink.

He's aged up right away and is adorable, just like his brothers. c:

Ending the chapter here because I'm just about out of La Force screenshots. Sorry if it wasn't quite up to par, I'm pretty rusty. D: Hopefully the next one'll be better and won't take forever for me to post. Anyway, as always, thanks for reading! ♥

ts3, sims 3, la force legacy

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