Spock was a creeper. Captain the falcon died. The family adopted their first puppy. There was an excess of ~teen drama~. Spock became a teen. J.T. had his birthday and became a young adult. He then proposed to Dakota (
mielekat) and I left the chapter off with a totally-not-obvious cliffhanger. There was an heir poll. Proceed!
Firstly, I finally figured out how to fix my screen resolution so HELLO PRETTY WIDESCREEN SCREENSHOTS. Seriously, my game just looks so much nicer now and ksjhdfklahs agh. <3 My spazzing aside, J.T. is now a high school graduate. The only reason he isn't at city hall right now is because he graduated in the middle of a family photoshoot so he just kinda stayed home in his cap and gown.
Spock won the heir poll, and I have to say, I was more than a little surprised! In a good way, of course, I'm stoked that he's heir. The youngest doesn't win often, at least in my experience.
Rogue: "You're the next heir, kiddo! Whaddya say we go out and celebrate, huh?"
Spock: "But Grandma, it's Friday. I have to go to school."
Rogue: "Nonsense! I'll call you in sick. It's not every day that you're elected to carry on the family's legacy."
Spock: "But Grandma, seriously, I have a test-"
Rogue: "What did I just say? Honestly kid, you gotta lighten up. Now hush up about that, Grandma's taking you to the karaoke bar."
And so to the karaoke bar they went.
Rogue: "Alright Spock, pick a song. Any song! Except for that damn Katy Perry, I can't stand her."
Spock: "I dunno, Grandma, I think this kind of a couples thing-"
Rogue: "Just pick a song."
Spock: "Okay, uhhh.. how about this one?"
Spock: ♪ ♫ I wanna be the very best, like no one ever waaas! ♫ ♪
Rogue: ♪ ♫ To catch them is my real test, to train them is my caaauuuse! ♫ ♪
Is it sad that this isn't the first time that someone in this legacy has broken out singing the Pokemon theme song? Yeah? Okay.
Natalie showed up and didn't seem impressed in the slightest.
Rogue+Spock: ♪ ♫ I will travel across the land, searching far and wide, each Pokemon to understand the power that's insiiiiiide! ♫ ♪
Natalie: "Mmm. Hmmm. Oh. Pitchy, very pitchy."
Rogue+Spock: ♪ ♫ Pokemon! It's you and me, I know it's my destiny. Pokemon! Ohhhh, you're my best friend, in a world we must defend! ♫ ♪
Oh yeah, the "cliffhanger"! I forgot to get a screenshot of it, but yeah, Dakota said yes. So J.T.'s having a bachelor party.
A newly aged up Chadd (Zelda and Devin's (
randuhh) son) was invited. He didn't do much, but he has a nice face so this screenshot was worth taking.
Link was invited as well, and so was Thor's son Rudolph, aka
A dance party in the twins' room ensued. I'm not sure why Rudolph looks so astonished, possibly because of the glowing bunk beds.
Meanwhile, a mini-dance party was taking place downstairs in the living room.
Spock: "Damn, I need a drink. C'mon Jean-Luc, let's go raid mom and dad's mini-bar."
Jean-Luc: Arr?
His sisters beat him to it, though.
Uhura: "So what's going on with the whole Saffron situation? Are you guys totally in looooove yet?"
Nyota: "I dunno... he asked me out, but I guess it's still a little weird for me. Like the only reason he asked me out in the first place is because Natalie's off the table. I just don't wanna be his rebound, y'know?"
Uhura: "Of course, but you know how teenage boys are. One second they think they want one thing, and the next they want something completely different. I say you should give him a chance. Only if you want to, though."
Nyota: "I do want to.."
Uhura: "Well there's your answer."
Nyota: "Ugh, boys."
Beware, kids. Underage drinking may lead to silly dancing on counter tops.
Uhura: "Mmhhhh... now my tummy hurts."
Not their best idea.
J.T. went to bed long before most of his guests even left. Ah well, this made for a cute picture anyway.
The next morning was the twins' birthday.
Uhura gained schmoozer for her fifth and final trait, making her a disciplined, hydrophobic snob who also happens to be a charismatic schmoozer. She wants to be super popular.
Nyota's fifth trait is kleptomaniac, making her a light-sleeping, athletic cat person who's also a hydrophobic kleptomaniac. She hopes to become a cat herder.
That night was the night of J.T. and Dakota's wedding. Don't ask me how, but J.T. managed to get his hand stuck in a coffee cup. And I guess Dakota's getting married in her everyday wear. Okay.
J.T.: "What can I say, I'm hopeless."
Dakota: "Yes, but you're mine, hopeless or not."
Dakota: "And that's all that matters."
Graduation day for the girls! Uhura was voted Most Likely to Become a Millionaire. I totally see it.
Nyota was voted Most Likely to Become a Sports Star, and was also selected as valedictorian.
Septimus: "My little girls are growing up..." ;_;
Nyota: Well, there's Saffron... it's now or never, I guess.
Saffron: "Nyota! Congrats on being valedictorian, couldn't have picked a better student for it if you ask me."
Nyota: "Oh, thanks, Saff! Hey, I thought a lot about it, and I don't want to go on that bistro date with you. I want more than that. I've wanted to be your girlfriend all through high school, and I'm only sorry I didn't say something sooner. So... be my boyfriend?"
Saffron: "Absolutely, but I'm still taking you to the bistro."
Nyota: "Well, if you insist." ♥
Speaking of bistro dates, Uhura and Natalie went on one of their own after graduation.
Uhura: "Come on Natalie, put the book down! I was promised a romantic evening out with my girlfriend, was I not?"
Natalie: "But ABRAHAM LINCOLN is slaying VAMPIRES. I can't stop reading now!"
An hour or so later...
Natalie: "Aaaand... done! Now, where were we? Something about a romantic evening, right?"
Uhura: "At the risk of sounding cliche... just shut up and kiss me."
Natalie: "Way better than Abraham Lincoln slaying vampires, for the record."
Uhura: "I'd hope so."
Uhura: "Listen, I have something to ask you, though."
Natalie: "Okay, shoot."
Uhura: "I love you more than I ever thought was possible, Natalie. You're everything to me. Will you marry me?"
Natalie: "Oh my god, Uhura! I can't believe this! Oh my god, I-I think I'm gonna cry, haha."
Uhura: "So is that a yes?"
Natalie: "Oh... oh Uhura, I'm so sorry. I don't think so."
Uhura: "B-but... we're in love, aren't we? We always talked about how we'd spend the rest of our lives together!"
Natalie: "Yes, but we don't have to be married to do those things, do we? I love you, but I don't see why we need to put a label on us to make it 'legitimate' or whatever."
Uhura: "I understand where you're coming from, but this is the only thing I've ever wanted, Natalie. Can you imagine it? Being able to introduce you to people as my wife. You could take my last name, or I could take yours, or we could hyphenate! I just want us to be a family, Nat. Could you at least think about it?"
Natalie: "Well... alright, screw it! I just wanna be Natalie Maebe-La Force!"
Uhura: "So you'll marry me?"
Natalie: "Yes, yes I will!"
Well, that explains that.
Uhura: "You don't know how happy you've made me. I love you, Nat."
Natalie: "I love you too."
The next morning, Nyota found herself in a similar situation.
Nyota: "Saff, I've loved you for a long time, and I can't imag-"
Saffron: "Oh my god, are you proposing? Not in front of your dad, N! I'm pretty sure he still hates me."
Nyota: "Well, if that's true, then too freaking bad for him. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Saffron. Will you marry me?"
Saffron: "Yes, of course!"
Septimus: "Hey kid... you're alright. You have my blessing. Even if you didn't ask for it. Ahem."
Saffron: "Really? Thank you, sir! Your daughter's in good hands, I promise! Figuratively of course, I wouldn't dream of putting my hands on your daughter in front of you."
Nyota (off-camera): "Hey Saff?"
Saffron: "Yeah?"
Nyota: "Shut up and give me a hug."
And because I'm anxious to get started on the next generation, the two had their wedding right there.
As did these two.
I love this picture so much because Nyota looks so happy for her sister because everything turned out the way it was supposed to and everybody had their happy ending and sjdhfkshdf I'm just a sentimental person okay? <3
Sadly, that also meant saying goodbye to the twins and J.T. (I don't have a picture of that for some reason). I can't remember the last time I was so sad to see spares leave. D:
And so then there was one.
Next time:
• Generation Seven begins!
Thanks for reading! ♥