Well, I went to Best Buy the other day and I found my laptop. The only problem is apparently it's a very popular model because every Best Buy in my area is temporarily sold out of them. -_- But I was able to order one, and as soon as they get one back in stock (the guy said sometime between the 23rd and the 27th) they'll be sending it to me. I'll admit it, I was a little bummed at first, but now I'm just way too excited again to be bummed! I should have enough screenshots left on my mac for another Bifrost update, and I know for a fact that I have enough for a few Bott updates, so at least I'll still be able to put out chapters until my laptop gets here.
Dear secret maker,
Thank you so much!! You have no idea how much this means to me, really. And to be mentioned in the same breath as two of my favorite legacies makes it even greater. You are wonderful. <3