Generation 4 Heir Poll

Apr 15, 2011 01:37

This poll is closed. Thank you to everyone who has voted!

Peach La Force
Loner, Heavy Sleeper, Eco-Friendly, Childish, Schmoozer
Currently employed in the lowest level of the stylist profession where she is working towards her Lifetime Wish of Fashion Phenomenon. Single and has yet to speak to a man who isn't related to her.

Daisy La Force
Excitable, Artistic, Unlucky, Childish, Party Animal
Unemployed at the moment, but dreams of becoming a Superstar Actor. Much like her sister, she is single and ready to mingle.

Bowser La Force
Clumsy, Athletic, Unlucky, Savvy Sculptor, Commitment Issues
Currently unemployed, but swears it's only because he just turned eighteen. As for his romantic situation, he had a small crush on a girl by the name of Fawn for a short time before his last birthday, but stopped pursuing her when their age difference became an issue. Rest assured there are many romantic endeavors to come, as his Lifetime Wish is Master Romancer.

Mario La Force
Slob, Evil, Light Sleeper, Perceptive
Still a high school student as of yet. Single, but once danced with his brother's former crush, making him the most sexually experienced of his siblings. Isn't sure of what he wants to do in life just yet, as he has yet to receive his Lifetime Wish. But he promises whatever he decides to pursue will be absolutely evil in every way.

generation 4, heir poll

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