Bout 009 (Video/Action): Glowing stones and knowledge disks.

Jun 07, 2011 19:22

Part A: Action Only at Goldenrod Dept. Store, Stone Counter

[It's shopping time at Goldenrod for Chie Satonaka, a few of her Pokémon tagging along with her as she dashes from aisle to aisle, getting a quick look at everything that's on sale. The sooner they all finish this trip, the sooner she and the rest of the Investigation Team can get on the road. Why couldn't she have gotten around to stocking up before? Sheesh...

She turns to address her Pokémon as they head down the stairs to the next floor.] Alright, guys, we gotta get in and out fast. Don't wanna keep Souji-kun waiting any longer than -- hey, where's Tiger?

[Bruce gestures over to the evolutionary stone counter, where the little Kirlia is plastered up against a glass display, eyes wide. Chie jogs across to him immediately.] What's got your eye, Tiger?

[She kneels next to him and peers at the display.] Oh, that's a Dawn Stone, isn't it? Suzuka Gongen evolved with one... Wait, they sell these?! You mean I didn't even have to -- [She sighs and rests her forehead against the glass.] Whatever.

[Tiger's cries pull her attention away, and she watches him gesture to it eagerly.] Wait, you're saying you want one? [He shakes his head yes.] But you just evolved yesterday! Are you sure? [He is.] ...Well, alright! I'll trust you.

[Chie makes the purchase, wincing at the steep price -- she's gonna have to get a job again soon, at this rate. She passes the stone down to Tiger, who takes a fighting stance as he glows...]

[...and evolves.] Gallade!

Whoa, check you out! Looking good! [Chie grins and glances at her gear...] And hey, you're part Fighting-type now too! Awesome, maybe you and Bruce can do some training together.

Alright, so anybody else need a stone before we go? [The consensus is that no, everyone else is good.] Then let's get moving!


Part B: Video/Action at Goldenrod Dept. Store, TM Counter

[Chie's face pops up when the video turns on, brow furrowed and lips pursed in a small frown. She doesn't waste time, launching right into what she has to say:]

Hey, everybody. Um, if you haven't seen already, Souji-kun is stuck up in the Ice Path way out by Blackthorn, so a group of us is getting together to go make sure he's okay and bring him back. Yosuke did that text post just a little while ago, but I dunno if anybody could actually read it... [A little snicker.] Anyway, we're all at the Goldenrod store stocking up real quick before we leave.

Now, the reason I actually posted this is... I'm looking at the TMs this place is selling. Y'know, those things that teach Pokémon new moves? I've been meaning to do this for ages, but honestly I kept putting it off. Problem is, we're leaving today, so if I'm gonna do it, it's gotta be now. And... I gotta admit, I'm totally lost. I mean, there's dozens of these things! I'd like to at least get one for Bruce and Suzuka Gongen, and I think Rinty could use a little cheering up... But geez, how do I even decide?

So I guess I'd like some recommendations, if you've got any? Thanks!

#action, @goldenrod city, #video, !ic posts

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