Bout 007 (Video/Action): After the darkness comes a new dawn. (backdated to Thu. 5/5)

May 06, 2011 22:28

[The video feed cuts in mid-conversation, evidently activated accidentally. The gear seems to be hanging from someone's belt, swinging to and fro and showing a grassy area. If you look close enough, you might be able to recognize it as the National Park where the Bug-Catching Contest is held.]

...did I let you talk me into this? [Chie's voice is distinctly displeased.]

Because it'll be good for you! [The second (much more chipper) voice belongs to Rise.] I mean, sure, there are a ton of gross bugs, but you could catch a Butterfree or something! They're cute!

Ugh, I never should've told you about the Yanmega. I guess a butterfly would be... okay, but if you're that set on this, can't I just find someone who already has one and trade for it?

Chie-senpai... [There's a definite huff in Rise's voice -- it's not too hard to imagine her sticking her hands on her hips and pouting stubbornly.] That's not facing your fear, and you know it! And besides, you'll actually get something more out of this than another bug.

[A long-suffering sigh. Chie is tempted to say she doesn't want to face her fear, but she knows better than that.] And what would that be?

... When you win, you'll see~! [IT'S INCENTIVE, CHIE.]

[How about some incentive that involves not chasing around giant bugs.] Alright, alright. Well, let's get back to -- hey, did you hear that?

Huh? [After a quick pause, there's an audible rustling, followed by a faint noise of surprise.] Hey, yeah! I guess we were bound to run into a bug eventually...

Right. Well, here goes nothing... [The camera jostles as Chie steps forward -- and then a big brown blur passes through the view briefly. Chie shrieks.] W-What is that?!

[Chie wasn't the only one who shrieked, and Rise isn't exactly the epitome of calm and controlled when she speaks up a split second later.] I-I don't know! But it was huge and I think those were spi-- ohmygod, that is so not a butterfly!

No kidding! Oh geez, get ready, Suzuka -- aaugh!

[The gear blurs around, for just a few seconds getting a good shot of this -- and then the feed cuts out.]


[About half an hour later, Chie appears on video again, sitting indian-style in the short grass on the outskirts of the park. She's holding a Pokéball and a strange glowing stone in her lap, and Suzuka Gongen is staring at the latter.]

Well, that was... interesting. Looks like you guys saw part of it, but Rise-chan talked me into trying out the Bug-Catching Contest up here. I managed to catch that thing that jumped out at us -- it's called a Pinsir, apparently. [She holds up the Pokéball.] So now I've got a giant stag beetle that tears its prey in half with its horns. Seriously, that's what the Pokédex says! How am I supposed to train it if I can't even bring myself to let it out?

Anyway, the Pinsir won the contest! So at least there's that. I got this thing as a prize. Apparently it's called a Dawn Stone? [She holds it up, and Suzuka Gongen's eyes follow it.] This must be what she was talking about. I think I remember hearing about stones that make Pokémon evolve, but how am I supposed to know who can... use...

[By now she's noticed the way her Snorunt's eyes go up and down as she waves the stone around. She turns to her Pokémon and holds it out.] Did you... wanna try it out?

Snorunt! [Suzuka Gongen eagerly snatches up the Dawn Stone. After an instant, she and the stone begin to glow... and when the glow fades, the former Snorunt has evolved. She bows to Chie with a tinkly:] Froslass.

Whoa... You're gorgeous! Froslass, huh... I was wondering if you had any evolutions. I guess now we know! [Chie grins as she reaches for the Pokégear.] Congratulations!

&usedeverything, &restardom, &onepetalshort, god i hate bugs, &allthecolorsof, #video, !ic posts, &foolxxii, what is this madness, &tsunpresident, &thebelsareinert, two posts in one week, #action, @goldenrod city

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