✖ video/action ☢ oo6; ✖ { action for the breeding center }

Nov 12, 2011 22:26

[ WARNING: 999 SPOILERS. enter at your own risk! ]

Guess who!

[ But you don't really need to guess because hey, she's on video! ]

So, I have some exciting news! As some of you may know, today is my older brother's birthday! [ eee, exciting! ] Santa is turning...old, today. Like thirty. [ BEST SISTER EVER okay. ]

I threw a surprise party for him! Well...I guess not surprise since this is public right now. Hey, Santa! [ waving toward the camera. ] Anyway, if anyone is in the Goldenrod area by the Breeding Center,  and have some free time, you should join us for some cake! I made it myself! And I'm pretty sure I took out all the glass shards.

And don't worry about getting him anything. He'll be so grateful just for people showing up!

[ click! ]

[ private; locked to Santa ]

I got you a hooker. You're welcome. [ look at your cute little sister. ] Okay, okay I'm kidding. I can already picture the line-face you're giving me.

But hurry up and come downstairs already! You're the man of the hour, after all! [ thinking... ] There are presents involved! And cake!

See you then!

[ click! ]

lmao, best brother ever, christmas themed birthday, !action, how what is affection, best sister ever, and cake, jan is going to hit me, !video, happy birthday bro

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