(no subject)

Sep 25, 2005 16:44

i'm feeling stupid so i decided to fill this out..its not like anyone reads 'em anywayz but it gives me sumthing to do..

001) What time is it? 447 pm

002) Name?: Brittany Nicole Rice

003) Date of birth:? 01.25.91

004) Sex?: Female

005) Height?: 5'0" maybe.. even if im that tall..

006) Eye color?: right now there green

007) Location?: uhh..my room

008) Where were you born?: Bradenton, Florida

009) Do you have a crush on someone?: yea ;) duh.. who doesn't?

010) Do you have a bf/gf?: i wish...

011) How long have you been together? stop taunting me...

013) What are you wearing right now?: mudd jeans, black tank top, and socks

014) Would you have sex before marriage? probably... abstinence only works for so long

015) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: eww! thats just weird.. none of them are all that young...

016) Are you a virgin? yes

017) Do you smoke?: thats soo laaaaame...

018) Do you drink?: :) hell yea!

019) Are you ghetto?: thats what people tell me

020) Are you a player?: i can be..

021) What are your favorite colors?: black and red and pink

022) What is your favorite animal?: monkeys! and koalas!

023) Do you have any birthmarks?: umm i dont know..

024) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: not seriously...juss playing around..but it still hurt..

025) Have you ever beat someone up?: no but people like to try me allot.. they seem to never actually fight.... they run away...

026) Have you ever been slapped?: uhh..if i did i was drunk..

027) Do you go online a lot?: fuck yea! i live on this stupid P.O.S. computer

028) Are you shy or outgoing?: outgoing!

029) Do you shower?: yea..everyday!!

030) Do you hate school?: not really..just math..

031) Do you have a social life?: you could call it that..lol

032) How easily do you trust people?: in some cases..way too easily..

034) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? yea..theres quite a few..

035) Would you ever sky dive?: no.. the whole fear of dying thing... just isnt working for me..

036) Do you like to dance?: duhh! who doesn't?

037) Have you ever been out of state/province?: yeaa.. duh! i was in NY by the age of 1!

038) Do you like to travel?: i guess..depends where we're going...

039) Have you ever been suspended from school?: no..good girls are bad girls that don't get caught.. :)

040) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: yes and no..

041) Are you spoiled?: yea..most of the time..

042) Are you a brat?: no..

043) Have you ever been dumped?: who hasn't? and if they say they haven't, there lying..

044) What's your favorite drink?: its between coke and chocolate milk..

045) Do you like Snapple?: eww noo....

046) Do you drink a lot of water?: yea..when im out of coke

047) What toothpaste do you use?: crest vanillamint..

048) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: Cellie tellie!

049) Do you have a curfew?: my parents say i do but there pretty lenient

050) Who do you look up to: uhh..my mom...

051) Are you a role model: sure hope not...

052) What name brand do you wear the most?: idk?all of them..

053) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: big silver hoops, watch, silver bracelet,  and a silver friendship necklace me n britt got..i hate gold..

054) What do you have pierced?: ears...

055) What do you want pierced?: belly button and tongue!

056) Do you like taking pictures?: yes yes!

057: Do you like getting your picture taken?: idk..sometimes..only if i look cute which is hardly ever...

058) Do you have a tan? if you can call it that...

059) Do you get annoyed easily?: yeah most of the time.. but only if you try to annoy me... (my brother)

060) Have you ever started a rumor?: no..

061) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: yes :)

062) Do you have your own pool?: nope..i wish..it gets soo effing hot..

063) Do you have any siblings?: 1 annoying ass brother! (ask anyone, he really is!)

065) Have you ever been played?: not that i know of..maybe?

066) Have you ever played someone? if i did, i didn't mean to..

067) Do you get along with your parents?: most of the time..

068) How do you vent your anger?: idk..thats a good question..i'll tell you the next time i get angry..

069) Have you ever run away?: naa

070) Have you ever been fired from a job?: job... im not even old enough to work...

071) Do you even have a job?: nope! lol

072) Do you daydream a lot?: all the fucking time!

073) Do you have a lot of sex?: yea..all the time..lol juuuuuust kidding

074) Do you run your mouth?: no..i don't think so.. i only speak the truth

075) What do you want a tattoo of?: like a butterfly on my right hip bone thingy.. idk.. ill show you where sometime...

076) What do you have a tattoo of?: i don't have one..

077) What are your favorite flowers given to you?: roses with babys breath and tulips!

078) What does your ex look like? kinda like anthony...

079) What does your most recent crush look like? kinda tall. brown hair. pretty eyes. idk. but i think everyone on here knows him

082) Are you rude?: noo..

084) Do you like getting dirty?: hehe yes..

085) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?:innie..

086) Are you flexible?: oh yes! ;)

087) What is your heritage?: italian and german

088) What does your hair look like right now?: brown

089) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: yea i was for awhile..then i got sick..

090) When was your last real heartbreak?: umm..wow..i dont wanna go there..

091) Describe your looks? really short, shoulder-length brown  hair, kinda in the middle of skinny and chunky.. lets just say i have some meat

092) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: i already did..but back to blondish brown.. i hate my hair now

093) Would you ever date someone younger than you? no.. i like OLDER men! =)

094) Would you ever date someone older than you? been there..done that...fixing to do it again..

095) When was the last time you were drunk?: like shit-faced drunk..NEW YEARS!!

97) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: uhh no..except i'm on that seefood diet..whenever i see food, i eat it! lol

98) Do you have one now?: does it look like i have one?!

99) How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2..gotta wait for it to come up on caller i.d. so i can decide to answer it or not..

100) Have you ever been skinny dipping? yeah all the time... in my bath tub! ;) JOIN ME SOMETIME! lol

102) Do you look more like your mother or father?: my mommy

103) Do you cry a lot?: sometimes..i got through my phases.. :)

104) Do you ever cry to get your way?: i did once..

105) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be? thats a weird question..

106) What phrase do you use most on the phone?: huh what did you say?...lol i'm deaf!

108) Have you ever been chased by cops?: no....

110) What do you like least about your body? thighs

111) When was the last time you threw up?: i dont remember... its been awhile

112) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: i don't care..

113) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: white nike air force 2's

114) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly button?: not the belly button, but the skin under it... YEAH!

115) What about cleavage?: i don't try to..it just kinda happens..lol

116) Is your best friend a virgin?: yup..atleast the girls are.. :)

117) What color are your underwear right now?: pink.. with a little metal star in the front...

118) What theme does your room have?: going for this whole modern look.. but i dont think its working... come over and tell me..

119) What size shoe do you wear?: 7-8 it all depends... in heels i have to wear a 8 but in tennis shoes a 7

120) What jewelry are you wearing now?: silver friendship necklace

121) What is your screen name on AIM?: Britt7427

126) How are you feeling right now?: tired..

122) When was the last time you were at a party?: uhh o god..idk?

123) Have you ever given a lap dance?: yeah =)

124) What do you sleep in?: a tanktop, shorts...

125) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: yeah.. everyone likes to call me a hoe.. but idk.. w/e

126) What is one of your bad qualities?: i'm a procrastinator

127) What is one of your good qualities?: loving, and very compassionate

128) Would you marry for money?: no thats mean..

129) What do you drive?: well its not mine QUITE yet but... i drive my mommys GMC Jimmy.. its so pretty!

130) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: mommas' girl and daddys girl... i get what i want no matter what that way

131) When was the last time you cried in school?: umm last day of 8th grade... that was SAD!!

132) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playgirl/playboy?: hell yeah! 2,000,000 thats allot of money.. i just wouldnt be to sure on who would want to see it!

133) What time are you finishing this? 507pm ....
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