Jun 28, 2005 10:40
i'm alive! and omg, i hate living in converse. there is nothing to do!
i've concluded there's only three things you do to have fun in converse: drink, do drugs, both. that's it, haha.
clarissa, dana and i got so bored that...we washed my car! at 11 o' clock at night! whoo! talk about impulse, huh? haha. this was after i drove around for like an hour.
i dunno, i need to find other things to do, i'm honestly tired of doing nothing but drinking every 2 nights(at least) if not something worse. though, a majority of my close buds amd i are 18 and we all have cars so i believe the plan for friday was to go clubbing? i dunno if we'll stick to it but whatever. it's nice to be 18. nice to have a car too.
though i do have some places in mind to go do but they're all so far away. that's another reason i hate living in converse.(other then i'm still insecure about driving too far out aka downtown and what not) laser quest, malibu, the quarry, north star? any of this ring a bell? but yeah, if anyone has any suggestions that i'm not aware of or overlooked then by all means, tell me. other than that, i'm always up to do soemthing. plus, i haven't hung out or seen some people in a long while. so i'll resolve that somehow.
peace up! a-town down! (haha tran)