May 09, 2006 19:09
I just erased an entire journal entry. This entry took an hour to complete, yet at the end I just erased it. All in all not a total waste though, if anything it was a cathartic experience. I often have issues with finding the words to properly express my thoughts, thus writing for the sake of writing helps me sometimes. I find it fun, and necessary to have an honest dialog with no one other than myself. This is where I can work out my issues. Ha I have issues. Damn straight I have issues.
Here is the deal, Kevin is a great debater. Jenn is not. This skill that kevin has obtained through many years of debate with his mother is overpowering. Yes he does allow me to bounce my ideas off of him, however sometimes that is just not enough. so i write, to write. I write for sanity. I write so that I can have a record of myself. I write so I grow. I write so I do not lose myself. I write so that I have my own little harry Potter pensive. So that is it. Half of the things I write never make it to the light of day, but i know that they were there, that they meant something. So here is my journal entry about the lack of a journal entry. nice.
PS I once again refuse to proofread anything.