I have a whole bunch of things I want to post about, but rather than attempt to post them all in one big monster post, I will try to do it in smaller increments.
greys_exchange assignments went out this weekend. I'm pretty happy with mine, and I've started brainstorming. I just have the pairings right now, since the person I'm writing for (my assignee?) hasn't posted any specific requests in their journal. If they don't, they'll have to deal with whatever I feel like writing. Bwahahaha.
Anways, for the person who's writing my fic:
I'm pretty easygoing in general. I tend to prefer my fic dark, twisty and fucked-up (like Mer!) but if you want to write happy!fic, I won't object.
For my requested pairings, again anything you want is fine, but here's what I like about the characters:
1.) George/Izzie: I was a George/Izzie shipper WAY before the show went there. I think they ARE best friends, and they understand each other better than anybody else does, so there's the comfort of being together, and cute schmoopy fic can come from that. And then there's Callie, and the conflicts involved in George's marriage and their affair, and that makes for some messed up emotions, and I like messed up pairings.
2.) Addison/Izzie: They're just so adorable together. Whatever you want to write, although I have a special fondness for drunk!Addison.
3.) Meredith/Mark: Dirty Mistress Club, and it's just so wrong, and I would love love love to read some hot, emotionally conflicted pr0n.
Thanks ahead!