Character info | Permissions

Sep 05, 2030 10:45


Name: Naem
Livejournal Username: mistytpednaem
E-mail: four_eyes122[at]
AIM/MSN: gracefulgraveler (But I'm much, much more active at MSN)
Timezone: GMT
Current Characters in Route: Shelly de Killer (shellderkillder)

Name: Donald Duck
Series: Disney comics
Timeline: ... Uh, ffff. Some time after he's met Uncle Scrooge and gone on a number of crazy adventures with him?
Canon Resource Links: His ridiculous detailed Wikipedia article and his huge TVTropes page that I somehow had not seen before and will get sucked into once I'm done with this app.

Affiliation: Trainer

Personality: Donald Duck's temper is legendary. Any provocation can send him flying into a violent tantrum, and once he gets started, it can be tricky to get him to stop. Actually, that goes for many things in his life: once he gets an idea in his head, be it a clever one or a more dastardly one, good luck trying to dissuade him. He IS very much the type to leap before he looks.

Donald has his grumpy, greedy, almost underhanded side (he is often quite willing to cheat to win competitions, though it usually backfires), but he's a good guy at heart, and, in particular, a good, caring uncle (most of the time). As often as he yells at his nephews, he knows his life would be much worse without them.

He's aware of the flaws in his personality and, on occasion, such knowledge sends him diving into a rather blue mood: his little nephews are smarter than him, his girlfriend hates him sometimes, his uncle is ridiculously wealthy and his cousin is ridiculously lucky - he is just a lump of trash. It even results in A Wonderful Comic, though this isn't the only (or the first) time Donald's had a life crisis. Anyway, it typically ends well, reinforcing his ego and leaving him ready to face another day... of being beaten around by life, as usual. But at least he's facing it!

Strengths/Weaknesses: Donald's rashness, combined with his sometimes rotten luck, has disastrous results. Fortunately, such results usually provide hilarious shenanigans (... sometimes they're just depressing, though. And that's sad). His unique voice can count as a weakness too: hardly anyone can understand the poor guy.

He does have his strengths, though: aside from, well, some considerable physical strength (that usually needs adrenaline to come into play), years of trying to distinguish between his identical nephews have given him a sharp eye for detail - one that only works on a subconscious level, as Scrooge painfully learned at one point. P-Permission to have Donald be able to distinguish between completely identical Pokemon, please?

Additionally, although he may seem cowardly, he WILL try to fight off the most dangerous threats (usually right before realising it was a terrible idea).

Samples over here!


This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.

Backtagging: Yep.
Threadhopping: Very yes!
Fourthwalling: Ayup!
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm fine with everything, I swear. Even references to culinary dishes involving ducks.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

Hugging this character: Yesss.
Kissing this character: Yes, especially if you're a lady 8D (but expect him to worry about Daisy. She's only a world away from here!)
Flirting with this character: See above.
Fighting with this character: Dude, this is Donald Duck. Fighting is inevitable.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'll usually be fine with anything, but you might as well ask? 8D;;
Killing this character: Doesn't apply to R29, but if it did, you'd discuss it with me and we'd work something out.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Again, doesn't apply to R29, but I'd be completely fine with it. Donald's mind is a wide open book.

Warnings: ... Uh, I can't really think of anything. He, uh, has a short fuse? I guess?

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