[005] [video/action]

Sep 26, 2010 10:49

[Donald is currently chillin' at the PokéCenter. And... there doesn't seem to be anyone near him. Hmm.]

Hey, I finally made it to Violet City!... And... [Sniff sniff.] I should probably find some place to have a shower... But wait, what about my clothes? I can't just walk around without my pants while they're in the wash!

Farfetch'd! [Scrooge pokes Donald's backpack with his leek from afar. You people watching this are lucky you're not getting the smell along with the video...]

Oh, right! That crazy woman said I had a spare set of clothes in my backpack, didn't she? [And thus he dives excitedly into his belongings!

And he pulls out his clothes.

Cue stunned silence.]

!ic, why meeee

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