[001] [Video/action]

Sep 06, 2010 16:18

[Donald's not very sure how this gadget works, but he's managed to turn video on and, as such, you are now seeing a wonderful close-up of his confused face.] What's this supposed to be, anyway? A camera? Is this getting caught on ta-- GAH! [His face shows PAIN. As he turns around, a Farfetch'd comes into view.] Why, you little... WAUGH! [Whipped with the leek again. This Farfetch'd is easily amused, it seems.] What're you laughin' at?!

[The Pokémon is pointing towards somewhere now. Those familiar with the layout of New Bark might see it's actually pointing to route 29.] Oh, right, like I'd go into the wilderness just because you know how to whack me with a... [... Epiphany!] Oh, if you don't have a name, I know what to call you...

!ic, what the heck is going on

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