Chapter 28; Video; Filtered Text

Jun 07, 2011 21:59

[Video filtered AWAY from Eridan.]

[[When the video feed flicks on, Johto is greeted by a very confused looking Rose. Or not so much confused, but a mixture of that and curious. She sets the gear down, then moves to hold up an egg. A dratini egg, to be precise, with a lovely lavender bow on it.]]Would anyone happen to be willing to tell me who ( Read more... )

@patti thompson, @tavros nitram, *memo, @sollux captor, @soul eater evans, @dave strider, *text, *video, @aradia megido, @equius zahhak, !chapter 28, @nepeta leijon, @maka albarn, @john egbert, @jade harley

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p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 05:02:51 UTC
CURRENT twinArmageddons [CTA] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.

CTA: we d0n't need a leader that isn't KK.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 05:10:42 UTC
CTT: Those are my general feelings on the matter as well, honestly.
CTT: I would prefer that we are able to come to agreements on such matters as a group effort in his absence, rather than relying solely on a leader.
CTT: Not only would that hopefully put the issue of whether or not someone should lead in Karkat's stead aside, but once Karkat returns, it would likely make things much easier on him as well, since I know he will want to be leader again.
CTT: And this was...honestly quite stressful on him having to do much of this alone.
CTT: Having the ability to ask his group and receive civil answers would be nice, I'm sure.
CTT: I am still asking, however, mostly to insure the comfort levels of our teammates.
CTT: I would rather we not dissolve into arguments, confusion and fights because there is no one willing to handle everyone if necessary, or if desired...


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 05:17:34 UTC
CTA: y0u d0 kn0w y0u're talking ab0ut tr0lls here, right?
CTA: everything will dev0lve int0 arguments, c0nfusi0n, and fights just because we all exist t0gether. that's h0w things w0rk. asking f0r them t0 n0t w0rk that way is just retarded.
CTA: civil answers aren't really g0ing t0 be p0ssible, either. s0 i think y0u're being h0pelessly 0ptimistic here.

CTA: if every0ne else thinks we need a leader, d0n't expect me t0 listen t0 them.
CTA: my v0te g0es t0 y0u th0ugh.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 05:24:05 UTC
CTT: Hopelessly optimistic, I do admit.
CTT: But for once that is really the only way I know how to approach a situation.
CTT: Though I will not be surprised if it does end in arguments, confusion and fights anyway, at least.

CTT: I had a feeling you would say that.
CTT: I will not expect anything of anyone, honestly.
CTT: I hadn't expected anyone to listen to Karkat, as much as I hoped they would.
CTT: I'm pleased that I was wrong on that matter.
CTT: ...
CTT: Thank you for your vote of confidence, Sollux.


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 05:35:56 UTC
CTA: as l0ng as y0u realize it, then i think y0u're g00d.
CTA: maybe it wasn't quite s0 h0peless after all.

CTA: he's pretty much the best leader ar0und. he actually can get a wh0le bunch 0f idi0ts t0 st0p fighting and w0rk t0gether, at least until everything g0es t0 hell.
CTA: y0u're welc0me, th0ugh. i d0n't kn0w h0w well y0u'll d0 at it but since i d0n't think any 0f the 0ther tr0lls here w0uld d0 a g00d j0b at it y0u're pr0bably 0ur best bet.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 05:41:34 UTC
CTT: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst as they say.

CTT: He really is an astounding leader.
CTT: For how constantly defensive he was of his role, and how that usually is due to an inability of performing such role well and a wish not to admit it
CTT: I am impressed.
CTT: Perhaps a few of his leaderly skills happened to rub off on me enough to be able to at least make a good attempt.

CTT: Do you think it would help if I typed more aggressively?

[[Attempt to lighten the mood: Go.]]


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 05:54:00 UTC
CTA: i d0n't really kn0w why he was always s0 adamant ab0ut it, but i guess that's just KK f0r y0u.
CTA: it's kind 0f funny because i th0ught he'd be an awful leader. he wasn't even supp0sed t0 be the leader at first...
CTA: i guess everything just w0rked 0ut h0w it was supp0sed t0 th0ugh.

CTA: if by 'm0re aggressively' y0u mean 'p0unding s0 hard 0n y0ur p0kegear that y0u break it', i have t0 say n0.
CTA: i'd rather n0t have t0 fix it f0r y0u.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 06:52:43 UTC
CTT: Tenacity, drive, and the will to obtain what he feels is rightfully his are all very good leader traits, provided he has enough compassion to balance it out so that he doesn't end up getting you killed.
CTT: He certainly possessed all three.
CTT: It was really quite admirable once I realized it for what it was.

CTT: However, I promise I will avoid mimicking his tendency to abuse the poor little machine.


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 07:19:06 UTC
CTA: yeah, he's pretty surprising like that, isn't he?
CTA: i mean, he was 0nly even the leader in the first place because TZ c0nvinced him it was best if he went in first, but he really is pretty damn g00d at it.
CTA: i really d0n't think any0ne else c0uld have even g0tten us thr0ugh the game with0ut killing each 0ther.

CTA: l0l, i have t0 say it d0esn't fit y0u at all but it's hilari0us t0 hear that!
CTA: the p00r thing d0esn't deserve that kind 0f treatment, th0ugh, s0 thanks f0r that. really.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 07:29:20 UTC
CTT: He is.
CTT: It's a pleasant surprise.
CTT: It's fortunate he was available then.
CTT: I certainly am glad. For as despicable as I first thought you all were, you are really quite pleasant company.
CTT: ...
CTT: Well.
CTT: For the most part.
CTT: I could do without Eridan some days.

CTT: Really? Oh damn.
CTT: I have little hope of being anywhere near as leaderly as Karkat if I cannot pull of the authoritative angry text.
CTT: Hopefully no one will think less of me.
CTT: Though I had a feeling you would say that.
CTT: And it doesn't, you're right.
CTT: I'm surprised they're able to withstand the abuse that they're given.
CTT: Karkat must really be a test on their durability.


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 07:37:16 UTC
CTA: with h0w childish every0ne was being ab0ut tr0lling y0u guys, i'm n0t surprised y0u th0ught we were all despicable. i kn0w h0w KK and the 0thers can get.
CTA: and i think every0ne c0uld d0 with0ut eridan. at least y0u d0n't have him c0nstantly f0ll0wing y0u ar0und and hitting 0n y0u. i just wish he'd dr0p it already.

CTA: y0u'll just have t0 lead with less auth0ritative n0rmal text and actual intelligence instead. i think we might be able t0 still manage but it'll be t0ugh, ehehehe.
CTA: and i'm still amazed he 0nly destr0yed 0ne while he was here. they must be pretty indestructible.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 07:42:26 UTC
CTT: Yes, and I won't lie and say that I am not grateful he is not doing that with me.
CTT: You should consider talking with Soul.
CTT: I am sure he would be able to get Eridan to stop.
CTT: If not, I have my Pokemon trained to attack him upon entering my room without my consent.
CTT: So at least you have a bit of a safe haven to retreat to.

CTT: I suppose I will.
CTT: I hope it will make up for the lack of insults and "fuckass"es thrown about.
CTT: Though if you start to miss it, do not hesitate to ask.
CTT: I am sure I can muster up one or two.
CTT: Just do not ask me to make metaphors.
CTT: His metaphors are far too impressive for me to try and imitate.
CTT: As am I. And he simply tried coding that, correct? That wasn't even broken due to physical abuse?
CTT: Though they have to put up with constant attention from Pokemon, so they likely have to be made to put up with anything.


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 07:51:56 UTC
CTA: i d0n't think s0ul can really st0p him, all eridan's d0ing is declaring his hate f0r me and claiming it's m0re than he's ever felt f0r any0ne else.
CTA: s0 it's creepy and ann0ying, but n0t really s0mething i need t0 drag 0ther pe0ple int0.
CTA: besides, if he st0pped then i'd l0se m0st 0f my entertainment ar0und here and i really d0n't kn0w what i'd d0 with all that free time i'd get.

CTA: n0, i think i can d0 with0ut all th0se stupid insults, ehehe. d0n't w0rry ab0ut it.
CTA: and yeah, he br0ke it while trying t0 figure 0ut h0w t0 filter things. he c0uldn't even figure 0ut the simplest 0ne with0ut destr0ying the thing.
CTA: i had t0 teach it t0 him after i finally g0t t0 vi0let. it was pretty much the best thing.
CTA: 0h, and then he STILL g0t mad at me every time i read his shit, even when i was the 0ne wh0 t0ld him h0w t0 l0ck it in the first place. it's like he f0rg0t i knew h0w t0 d0 it 0r s0mething.


usedtherapy June 8 2011, 08:10:11 UTC
CTT: True enough.
CTT: I suppose when he isn't being completely offensive, he's quite amusing to watch.
CTT: And yes, what would you do with all of that free time.

CTT: Okay, good, because I do not believe I would enjoy insulting you.
CTT: And oh Karkat.
CTT: It will be fun to be around for when he is forced to struggle with it again, should he return.
CTT: So I take it programming is not the extent of your technological skills then.
CTT: Should I be switching to handwritten letters to preserve my privacy now?


p2iioniichacker June 8 2011, 17:40:50 UTC
CTA: yeah, it's really pretty funny t0 watch him fail s0 0ften. i d0n't even kn0w why he keeps trying, really.
CTA: alth0ugh... it's stupid, but i guess i might actually hate him a little bit. m0re than a little, actually, f0r what he did t0 FF, but i'd rather just av0id having him in my quadrants anyway.

CTA: that will be c0mpletely w0rth it, in my 0pini0n. i can't wait t0 have s0mething else to l0rd 0ver him.
CTA: 0f c0urse it isn't, it w0uld be pretty stupid t0 be an amazing pr0grammer with0ut anything t0 d0 with it, right?
CTA: i'm the best hacker ar0und, t00.
CTA: s0 i think that really just depends 0n h0w much y0u value y0ur privacy.


usedtherapy June 10 2011, 19:42:44 UTC
CTT: That's not stupid at all.
CTT: If he had killed a friend of mine, I would hate him too.
CTT: Whether or not it would be platonic, I can't say, as he hasn't done it and therefor I really don't know how I would react it.
CTT: However I don't blame you for wishing to leave him out of your quadrants.

CTT: How much I value my privacy.
CTT: I suppose the only private things of value I have, I keep within my journals.
CTT: So hack away, though I'm sure I do not need to give you permission.


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