character relationships (under construction)

Oct 13, 2010 10:07

character relationships.

so much hate happening here ♬
definitely not happy with you ♬
just met you/fairly neutral ♬
easy to get along with/acquaintances ♬
good friends/investigation team ♬
best friends/romantic interest (specified) ♬

Rise! He admired her for her pop idol status until the investigation team rescued her from the TV. From then on, she's become a friend and valuable teammate-- though he's still a big fan.

"Awww, so does that mean you're dreaming about me?" ♬

Yosuke calls him "partner"-- and with good reason. This guy is literally his best friend, someone to which he can go to laugh with, talk with, and just be himself. He used to be jealous of him for his skill and personality despite their close relationship, but a fist fight and an awkward, girly hug decided that they are and will always be equals.

... Also he is totally not gay for him.

"This whole place is one weird dream. It's good to see a familiar face wandering around." ♬

... Teddie. Yosuke has mixed feelings for this guy: on one hand, he's obnoxious with his cheesey commercial one-liners and his bear puns-- but on the other, he's a well-meaning bear with a loyal heart. Really, he doesn't hate Teddie. In fact, that's pretty far from the truth.

"Don't worry, Yosuke. You can be the cameo character. A one episode special!" ♬

"...It's good to hear from you." ♬

Chie is mean. >: Okay, not all the time, but out of everyone in the investigation team, Chie and Yosuke go at it the most. Their personalities conflict and they can get pretty irritated with each other, but when it comes right down to it, they're pretty good friends.

"You better not get lost in the wilderness, okay?! I know you're a city boy but you can do this if you try." ♬

They compared Pokemon when Yosuke first arrived-- that is, they discussed which was more derpy: Slowpoke or Arbok. In the end, they were both pretty bad.

"You gotta have a little faith in him! He'll never be anything but a Slowpoke if you don't." ♬

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"I'm Miles Edgeworth. Nice to meet you." ♬


" It does look like you've got some pretty bad luck then." ♬


"What Pokémon did you get? It can't be that bad... right?" ♬


" Maybe he's disobeying because you're calling him useless." ♬


". . . You don't remember the last time you were here either?" ♬


"Oh, y-yeah! It's not as scary when everyone else is here." ♬



- route_29, !character relationships

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