pokemanz list :V

Mar 30, 2011 20:21

Roadrunner // Pidgey
OT: Yuusei
Caught at: Satellite's Small Forest

Hardy nature.
Good perserverance.

Hold Item: Everstone
Ability: Big Pecks

Quick Attack
Brave Bird

Yuusei met Roadrunner when he was about seventeen. It had been severely injured in a storm. Due to the shoddy care that was the only care available in the Satellite, Roadrunner's wings were never fully healed despite Yuusei's and Doctor Schmitt's best efforts, so Yuusei took the little bird under his wing, so to speak. It was theorized that if the little Pidgey ever evolved, its increased weight and mass would be too much for the weakened wings to handle, so Yuusei gave it an Everstone in order to prevent its evolution and allow it to fly, even if for short bursts. Since it remains mostly grounded, Yuusei has worked with it to increase its footspeed and other tactics to allow for growth. Despite being the physically weakest Pokemon on Yuusei's team, its determination and perseverance gives it fairly decent staying power on the battlefield nonetheless.

Speed // Luxray
OT: Martha
Caught at: Satellite's Black Market

Jolly nature.
Impetuous and silly.

Hold Item: Big Mushroom
Ability: Intimidate

Quick Attack
Thunder Fang
Scary Face
Night Slash

Ever since it was taken in at the orphanage as a young Shinx, it has taken up the responsibility of helping to sniff out every individual who comes in to adopt at the orphanage. Before it evolved into a Luxray and acquired x-ray vision, it did this by literally sniffing out each individual for any traces of suspicious drugs or scents. Sadly, due to lack of any official training, it gained somewhat of an addiction to said drugs instead, leading to its somewhat goofy manner. Yuusei found a safe solution (or, as safe as possible under the limited circumstances) by giving it Big Mushrooms for it to chew on, earning him its friendship and loyalty.

Turbo // Blaziken
OT: Martha
Hatched at: Orphanage/Day Care

Naughty nature.
A little quick tempered.

Hold Item: Luck Incense
Ability: Speed Boost

Sky Uppercut
Blaze Kick
Crush Claw

Yuusei had fallen into quite the funk after the Team Satisfaction breakup, which worried Rally and co. Eventually they got together once it was decided that there was a risk that Yuusei would cut himself off from them entirely, and tried to come up with an idea to help get Yuusei out of his depression and isolation. They adopted a small baby Torchic from Martha and brought it to him to help them raise it. However, this idea backfired somewhat-the baby Torchic turned out to be a real troublemaker and ended up causing more problems than any of them expected. This, however, ended up with the happy bonus that Yuusei ended up being more involved in its care than he had initially anticipated, and eventually the young prankster Pokemon got attached to Yuusei, prompting Rally and co. to give it to Yuusei.

Junk // Metagross
OT: Yuusei
Caught at: Satellite's Garbage Dump

Naive nature.
Scatters things often.

Hold Item: Metal Coat
Ability: Clear Body

Zen Headbutt
Meteor Mash
Iron Defense
Hammer Arm

Yuusei found this Pokemon as a small Beldum in one of the many trash dumps of Satellite. It seemed at home there, however, and he didn't bother it. However, the young Pokemon was highly curious and simply stayed around in the dump because it enjoyed searching for shiny and metallic trinkets, and finding a human that shared its interests intrigued it. So it followed Yuusei home, and often hinders as much as helps out with his experiments nowadays. When not wrecking Yuusei's stuff helping out, it often gets into shenanigans with the mischievous Turbo.

Ryuushi // Klinklang
OT: Fudou-Hakase
Caught at: Old Momentum Generator

Adamant nature.
Strongly defiant.

Hold Item: Cell Battery
Ability: Clear Body

Shift Gear
Giga Impact
Gear Grind

This Pokemon actually belonged to Yuusei's father, who had found it as a Klink that had accidentally gotten itself stuck in one of his first tries at creating an alternative energy source. Its constantly rotating bodies that seemed to support and depend on each other inspired the good doctor, and the little Klink happened to stay by his side during his attempts to create Momentum. When Zero Reverse occurred, Fudo-hakase used the Klink to help power his son's escape pod. In the name of the scientist's memory, the Pokemon follows Yuusei around, and seems fairly pleased with Yuusei's development, despite being the oldest and crankiest Pokemon out of all of Yuusei's team.

Stardust // Flygon
OT: Yuusei
Caught at: Satellite's Wasteland

Serious nature.
Likes to relax.

Hold Item: Stardust
Ability: Levitate

Dragon Tail

As a small Trapinch, the young Pokemon had a hard time disguising itself among other sandy and darkish areas with its greenish tinged-skin. It found a solution by seeking out deposits of the rare mineral, Stardust, and rolling in it to obtain the proper orange tone of most other Trapinch, which allowed it to hunt for food properly. However the Stardust would wear off eventually and it was always seeking new deposits. During periods when it couldn't find any Stardust, it would often starve, it was just too easy for prey to spot a green Trapinch that didn't blend in with the sand. During one of its starving periods, it was found by Yuusei, who seemed utterly fascinated with its greenish hue and brought it home to feed it. It hung around the easy source of food, but still seemed anxious and unsettled until Yuusei decided that what it needed was its safety blanket of Stardust back, and tied some in a bag around its neck to give it confidence again. The therapeutic action worked, and Stardust felt no need to return to the wild afterwards.

this is a list, ooc, y do i do dis
