Entry 22 [Phone calls. oh so many phone calls]

Oct 31, 2011 18:28



Hear that, Johto? That's the sound of your phone ringing.

Pick up.

If you dare... )

never ending phone calls, legen wait for it dary, i crack myself up., top percentage of youngsters, halloween, best halloween ever

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yes, I had to trollsbackwards November 1 2011, 04:27:34 UTC
This had better be fucking good, shit head. You're wasting my valuable hours tracking this little bulbbulge of a Pokemon with your perceived asinine call.


Of course you did usedsuitup November 1 2011, 05:08:19 UTC
So, I've been thinking about my sentret. And I think it's not quite like other sentrets. It's gotta be in the top percentage of sentrets.


trollsbackwards November 2 2011, 01:23:17 UTC
...Was that even fucking necessary?

[ run. now. while you still can. ]


usedsuitup November 2 2011, 03:46:31 UTC
Of course it was! Everyone needs to know how awesome my sentret is! We fought so many pokemon today and KO'd them all!


homofuckiens November 2 2011, 15:05:14 UTC
Oh my fucking god. This is so pointless!


usedsuitup November 3 2011, 01:15:40 UTC
No it's not! My sentret's the best. What's pointless is that you don't realize this.


trollsbackwards November 3 2011, 02:57:13 UTC
It's a fucking Sentret!


usedsuitup November 3 2011, 04:47:29 UTC
And the best sentret ever! You should see it when it stands on it's tail. So cute!


homofuckiens November 4 2011, 21:20:02 UTC
You know... It's pretty fucking amazing, how I spend my time with morons who can't see there's more important shit to do other than pranking some other fuckass whose thinkpan is rotting out their articular sponge clots.

How about I get back to doing that more important shit?

Like catching something, oh I don't know, useful!


usedsuitup November 5 2011, 01:09:30 UTC
Catch a sentret! They're useful! Really useful! Not as useful as mine but still.


Oh Karkat itsthebutz November 1 2011, 14:37:18 UTC
Dude, you know my Bidoof, right? He just beat a Jigglypuff the other day! How amazing is that?!


trollsbackwards November 2 2011, 01:24:03 UTC
And who the flying fuck are you?


itsthebutz November 2 2011, 17:44:10 UTC
A youngster with an awesome Bidoof. Seriously, he's in the top percentage of Bidoofs.


trollsbackwards November 3 2011, 02:58:43 UTC
Have you fucking looked in the goddamn reflective glass? You are not young by any fucking means.


itsthebutz November 3 2011, 14:32:53 UTC
Yeah, I don't like the term "youngster" either, but people keep calling me that.


homofuckiens November 4 2011, 21:17:44 UTC
You fucking called yourself that!


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