Name: Aaya
Livejournal Username:
hazelandnutsE-mail: cuethemesong @ gmail . com
AIM/MSN: AIM; scanning charge
Timezone: GMT +9:30/10:30
Current Characters in Route: Oshitari Kenya (
Name: Hiyoshi Wakashi
Series: The Prince of Tennis
Timeline: Post-Nationals
Canon Resource Links:
Prince of Tennis Short bio on Hiyoshi Personality: Part of Hyoutei Academy's 200-strong tennis club, second-year regular Hiyoshi feels like he has something to prove. With an inferiority complex feeding his already sizeable ego, Hiyoshi follows the ideals of his favourite phrase - 'gekokujou', the lower defeating the higher. With his unique and almost artistic tennis style, based on the teachings of his family dojo and known as 'enbu tennis', Hiyoshi has earned himself a solid place on the exclusive front line of Hyoutei's regulars.
His fiercely individualistic approach to his goals would usually make him a perfect choice for a singles player, but his talents and aggressive style work in certain doubles formations as well.
Outside of tennis, Hiyoshi is a quiet boy whose standoffish attitude sometimes causes people to dislike him. He is reserved, meticulous and self-conscious. For example, he refuses to wear his glasses to school in fear of people judging him for them. Hiyoshi has in interest in journalism and the occult and particularly likes writing about space and aliens, contrary to his usually down-to-earth personality.
In a wonderful display of hipocrisy, Hiyoshi's own fear of being judged is outweighed by his constant judging of others. He finds it easy to pick on people's flaws - made easier by attending a school like Hyoutei, where the students are almost all bitchy snobby upper-class. Because of this however, Hiyoshi is easily disarmed by kindness and honesty, cementing him easily in the category of 'tsundere'.
Hiyoshi's not all bad, though. He has sound leadership skills and is actually capable of being a supportive person when he's called upon. He's well on the way to becoming Hyoutei's next captain and maybe even finally achieving his gekokujou - that is, if he doesn't somehow ruin it for himself in the process.
+ Enbu! He's well-trained in martial arts and it's not just reflected in his tennis. He can kick some serious ass if he wants to.
+ That said, his enbu tennis is pretty sweet too. He's very talented.
+ Hiyoshi is really quite level-headed and intelligent.
+ He's a fast learner and really really determined.
+ Actually not that bad a person, really, once you get to know him.
- Openly antagonistic and snarky sometimes.
- Does not take stupidity well.
- Self-conscious and surprisingly shy(!?) about his real self.
- Sort of paranoid about the universe.
- His stamina is lacking.
- Can lapse into a single-minded sort of mindset.
Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Shroomish ('Enbu')
Password: Taco Bell
First Person Sample: [The video feed opens to a honey-haired boy with a mushroom on his head. Wait, no, that's just his hairsty-- wait, no, it is actually a mushroom. A smiling Shroomish, in fact.
Get off of me. [The boy reaches up and removes the Shroomish from his head, keeping the kicking Pokemon in his arms as he talks to the camera.]
Oshitari-san, if this is an elaborate prank, I concede that you've done a very good job. If it is not, this is entirely disturbing. These people are not normal.
[He pauses. Dramatically. Thinking for a few moments. The Shroomish continues to kick.]
Never mind. I'll figure this out myself. [The feed cuts just as the Shroomish manages to free itself from its Trainer's grip, knocking the Gear over.]
Third Person Sample: The Shroomish stared up, and Hiyoshi stared back.
The little mushroom Pokemon smiled, clearly overjoyed to be free of the confines of its Pokeball. Hiyoshi continued to stare. Of all the theories he'd considered - alien abduction, psychological experiments, rival team sabotage - he has certainly not expected sentient fungi to be part of the equation. Especially not a sentient fungus that made happy noises and was... kind of cute.
Pacing the foreign bedroom slowly with the Shroomish skittering around his heels, Hiyoshi found himself retracing his steps. He couldn't remember what he'd been doing before he'd woken up here. There had been Nationals and then... and then what? After racking his brain and coming up blank, he sat himself frustratedly back on the bed. Hiyoshi pulled out his Pokedex. That, at least, he recognised, as much as he'd hate to admit it.
"Shroom." The Shroomish stopped its movements, instead finding this a good time to hop on to Hiyoshi's knees and mimic its Trainer's thinking face. All things considered, it just looked like a normal Shroomish's face anyway.
Hiyoshi just frowned deeper. "Stop that. This isn't something to make fun of."
The text on the Pokedex screen was suspiciously blurred. He rubbed his eyes and realised with horror that he didn't have his contacts in. Patting down the pockets of his school uniform (why had it brought him in his school uniform, he briefly wondered), Hiyoshi sighed and pulled out his glasses.
Only to have them deftly snatched away by the Shroomish, who was tired of being ignored. There was a split second of how did it just do that, it doesn't have HANDS before Hiyoshi leapt after the creature, who was proving much quicker than its squat form belied.
A growl, and Hiyoshi was on his feet, pointing threateningly at the Pokemon, who had the glasses held in its mouth. "That's the last straw. You return those this instant."