❧ oo9. { video }

Nov 29, 2010 17:59

[ The pokégear, usually handled by Pip if not Sakura, is in the hands, or rather, on the head of a new individual. ]

Azurill rill!

[ Say hello to today's filmer: a lost little Azurill, who decided to hang about with a certain group of Pokémon for today when the mouse strayed a little too far from its original owner. Zooming in close on a companion now. ]

Maaaag. [ A rather cross look is on the Magmar's face. Just, no.

Currently trying to be convinced by a rather earnest Magenium that he's an old friend of hers that disappeared awhile back. But of course, this is in vain. And still Chikadee will protest, while a confused Cherrim simply blinks, watching the exchange between the other two. ]

Mage, magenium? Magenium!

[ Translation? 'But don't you remember at all? We met when you a Magby!'

And with that, the screen turns to the right, as the owner in charge of the mentioned pokémon is nowhere to be seen. Except, not really. For some unexplained reason beyond the absent girl's control, her two other pokémon besides her starter had been replaced by these two:

Which left the girl rather worried about where her other original pokémon went, but doesn't explain why she's gone. A rustle can be heard suddenly, and the view will make a full 180 degrees just in time for--


--two disleveled trainers on the floor, one a pink-haired and the other a familiar looking redhead. Give them a minute to get up. ]

...I think we lost them. They must've headed straight instead of right.

We better have! If that group of Beedrill come here I'll--hey, you found my azurill!

Anyone else missing a pokémon? Cherrim!

( ooc. So this is Sakura's meganium, this is a random Magmar, this is a random Cherrim, this is Misty from the Pokémon anime (ceruleanredhead ), and this is her Azurill. Plain text is Sakura. Joining the fourth walling event here. Feel free to either claim the other two if you'd like. Or just pop in for fun. 8D )

question for the viewers, special guests are special, 4th wall events are messy, where`s hoppip...?, chikadee is glad/sad/mad

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