CHARACTER NAME: Subaru Sumeragi
Backtagging: Always always always, unto forever!
Threadhopping: If it fits and is IC! Ask before hopping into action tags, though, please, since that can get chaotic.
Fourthwalling: Nope.
Offensive subjects: None for me personally?
Hugging this character: Go for it!
Kissing this character: He will flail himself backwards so hard he looks like a windmill.
Flirting with this character: He will have no idea how to respond. Go for it!
Fighting with this character: Verbally? A-ok. Pokemon battles? A-ok. Phsically? Ask first.
Injuring this character: Please ask first.
Killing this character: No! He's the only bb I have. ;;
Warnings: He will never, ever, ever take off his gloves for you. And his woobie face is adorable.
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