the o.1st spell

Jun 13, 2011 19:36

[when the Gear feed clicks on, there is an oddly pretty looking redheaded girl on screen, hands folded in her lap. The Gear seems to be balanced on her bag, from the perspective and the lack of bag otherwise in the picture. She looks like she's attempting to remain calm, and when she starts speaking, her tone is carefully measured.]

That woman was not my mother. The manual explains absolutely nothing that I actually wanted to know, and I see no point to this charade at all. [there's a frown, and her eyes track a Misdreavus as it floats into the picture, peers at the Gear, and then completely obscures the footage. There's a command of "stop that!" followed by Akako attempting to swat the creature off, largely obvious by her hand hitting the Gear, going straight through the Pokemon. The Misdreavus floats away as the Gear falls off of the pack, and there's a scuffle for a moment, resulting in an angry, ear-piercing screech coming from one of the parties involved. When Akako picks the Gear back up, her calm demeanor is considerably lessened, and there is a Misdreavus sitting happily on her shoulders, absolutely tangled in Akako's long red hair.]

Furthermore, if anyone has any advice on how to rid myself of this creature-- or on how to leave this place-- I would consider myself-- [a pause here, as if she doesn't quite want to say it, and then] --in your debt.

Thank you.

why is there no magic, akako gets horrible starters, there'd better be showers on the routes, kaito this is your fault

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