Dec 22, 2008 18:13
Todays been wierd. I was fine at work untill the ride home...EVERYTHING started pissing me off. Then I listened to Mike's (Boss) Kids CD:The Philidalphia Chickens. I was fine for a little bit then as soon as i got home I started getting agravated again. I was bitching about how a plow has not come down my street im parking...I look in my mirror and theres a FUCKING PLOW turning down my street!! So I went around the block and followed the plow and parked...but then i kinda got stuck in the snow and parked to close to a snow bank so i had to crawl out thru the passanger side. So I get in the house and im just agravatted again so I secluded myself to the computer room and now i have my Own Little Bubble...Its nice.. no one can talk to me or come in animals.
its fucking Christmas. yay? We gotta do Andy's family this year. X-mas Breakfast then we gotta go to my house X-Mas DAY!! can you believe that! All my life weve never done anything on Christmas. It was all about X-mas Eve. Chrismas we just chilled around the house...which was nice. But were still gunna do presents on X-Mas eve just between the girls and mom n dad. Should be fun.