015 | Goldenrod City | Audio → Text;

Dec 20, 2011 19:55

[No video for you today, Johto, but there is some shuffling of feet, rustling of papers, and otherwise standard white-noise sounds of occupancy heralding you as this post first begins. There's also a light pitter-patter of padded paws across the carpet and, if one listens very closely, the faint trill of a particularly smug, self-important Espeon. That doesn't last for long, though, because soon enough there's a soft thump, and shortly thereafter Yagyuu's voice comes in-]

Lady, this is the third time-

[Another pleased trill.]

What's gotten into you lately? You've been underfoot for days, you've chased Masako, you bit Hirochii, I know you've been harassing Sudoku when you think I'm not watching-what? What is it. What are you trying to-

[Footsteps. A pause. A pause that drags on into awkward, disbelieving eternity.]

...You really felt it necessary to make your point six times over?

[There is a pleased trill from the world's smuggest Espeon, and the audio fades out; later, a text appears on the network.]

At the risk of attributing far too much credit to these Pokemon of ours, has anyone happened to notice them occasionally displaying motives that appear to be almost unsettlingly human in nature?

mad pokemon breeding science, the gentleman is not amused, teammates whaaaar, trolling second-years never gets old, anniversary, ▶ goldenrod city, evolution revolution, a lady and her gentleman, super swank tennis clubhouse, denial: not just a river in egypt, my pokeymans let me show you them, always glorious always victorious, lady is forever the hbic, the perils of dramatic irony, let's get philosophical, i am fifteen and what is this, hit the deck it's the grandkids, quite obviously up to something

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