011 | Olivine City | Video / Action;

Nov 11, 2011 21:50

[Unlike Yagyuu's last gym challenge, which involved quite a bit of advance scouting, careful strategizing, and deliberate manipulation of his roster's strengths and weaknesses (and okay, let's be honest, a rather impromptu decision to throw a lot of that out the window and just mercilessly crush his opponent's hopes and dreams to dust), his current encounter at the Olivine Gym is much more...subdued - almost to the point of being pleasant. As always, he is as polite as can be, but this time there's almost a certain legitimacy to it. Jasmine may be a gym leader, but she's a completely different breed than Whitney, and it shows in how he reacts.]

Oh! Are...are you here for the Mineral Badge?

If you're amenable to it, I'd like the opportunity to challenge you, yes.

Um, please allow me to introduce myself, then. I'm Jasmine, the Olivine Gym leader. I use Steel-type Pokemon...have you heard of the Steel type? They're very hard, cold, sharp, and really strong!

I'm familiar with a few of them. That's why they call you the Steel-Clad Defense Girl, isn't it?

Er...yes! That's right.

I've faced an Iron Wall of Defense before, but I haven't yet had the pleasure of trading blows with steel. I'm looking forward to our match, Jasmine-san.

I-I am, too! Okay...let's begin!

[And thus begins a battle that is decidedly different in character from Yagyuu's previous challenge in Goldenrod. This time, there are no malicious undertones, no tension hanging in the air; it's as straightforward as can be, as Jasmine sends out her roster one by one and Yagyuu answers with Vampa. And for those who know Yagyuu, and have learned to read between his subtle lines, it might become clear that this is an apology of sorts to his Rapidash - the opportunity to finally claim victory where he'd previously been charged with pursuing defeat.

For those who really know Yagyuu, they might almost find a hint of symbolism in that.

Jasmine's Pokemon are strong, but ultimately she's just outleveled and at a type disadvantage against Vampa's Fire Blast and Flare Blitz. And even this most blasé member of Yagyuu's roster is willing to indulge a proud snort and a toss of his mane when the Steelix finally falls and the match ends in his standalone victory.]

I can see you're a skilled trainer. Well done, and...er, in accordance with League rules, I confer upon you this Badge.

I'd say that makes two of us, Jasmine-san. It was an excellent match.

You're...really a gentleman, aren't you? Um...I don't know how to say this, but...good luck.


[It's a cold day for the beach, but there wouldn't be much point in going all the way to a port city for a vacation and not making it down to the water's edge at least once, so today Yagyuu has simply bundled up and headed down for a stroll, intent on seeing the sights of the Olivine shoreline at least once. And he's warding off the cold rather admirably, really, with a warm scarf wrapped loosely around his neck and his hands in the pockets of his nice, sturdy peacoat. His breath is making faint clouds in the chill air as he walks at a leisurely pace, leaving footprints behind him in the sand as he meanders in the direction of the lighthouse, letting the cold breeze from the ocean play through the ends of his hair and wash over his exposed skin.

(It also happens that there is a Dratini following along after him rather conspicuously, down in the shallows of the waves, but one can hardly blame her for being conspicuous when she is, in fact, a six-foot bright blue baby noodle dragon.)

He walks a little while longer, then pauses and looks out at the ocean - which prompts the Dratini to duck beneath the waves, clearly engaged in her game of trying to tail him while staying out of his view. Spoilers: it doesn't work very well, but Yagyuu's content to let her have her fun, anyway.]

That's two of eight, then. [A pause, and then, with a touch more amusement-] A Steel-Clad Defense Girl...I wonder what Jackal-kun would think of that.

[And after musing on that a moment, he continues on his way with a faint smile, wandering along to enjoy the sights of Olivine.]

[OOC: Badge is mod-approved!]

repeat after me: i need a vacation, ▶ olivine city, always glorious always victorious, the horsemen of the tennisocalypse, charming disarming and quite alarming, don't need no stinking badges, earning that gentleman monniker, touched by her noodly appendage, such a nice boy, god yagyuu stop picking on girls, no really i'm the responsible one, that boy is threat level red, my pokeymans let me show you them, like canon but with pokemon

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