004 | Goldenrod City | Video / Action;

Jul 29, 2011 13:21

[Well, Johto, in a slight change of pace, this video is not coming to you today courtesy of PhantomCam™; in truth, it's actually sort of more like Lady's-Paw-Landed-On-The-Record-ButtonCam™, and the accidental nature of the recording shows. The vast majority of the shot shows a tilted, haphazard view of a bedroom (a very neat bedroom, an observant ( Read more... )

mad pokemon breeding science, always glorious always victorious, no tennis no life, the perils of dramatic irony, somehow this is all niou's fault, the gentleman is not amused, purple = do not want, i am fifteen and what is this, ▶ goldenrod city, their love is so molecular, denial: not just a river in egypt, my pokeymans let me show you them

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action. reimprovise July 29 2011, 17:38:29 UTC
[presumably, he meets Fuji in the hallway. the latter appears to be on his way out, and there is a Raichu shuffling about by his feet, making disgruntled noises. it's sporting a pair of heart-shaped frames on the bridge of his nose, and those turn to Yagyuu with a petulant 'chuu'. Fuji tilts his head, hand half-way up in idle greeting.

he takes one look at Yagyuu, at Yagyuu's countenance, and then at Yagyuu's hand-- and chuckles.]

Trouble in paradise?


action. usedlaserbeam July 29 2011, 17:58:23 UTC
[Under normal circumstances, he might comment on the Raichu's rather unfortunate attire, but at the moment Yagyuu's a little preoccupied with purple goo all over his hand and nothing he is doing appears to be successful at getting it off.

And it's squishy. Squishy and won't stop smiling.]

It seems I had a surprise stowed away in my backpack today.


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 02:00:56 UTC
[squishy and won't stop smiling. doesn't that sound familiar. Fuji, for his part, isn't too much in a hurry to bridge the gap between them, preferring to run his hands over the mustard yellow wallpaper whimsically as he approaches slowly.]

Mm, is that a variation on the 'but it followed me home, can we keep it' appeal?


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 02:04:02 UTC
It's a variation on someone's idea of a joke, I'd imagine.

[It is Sugar, isn't it? Purple, clingy, obnoxious? It's the most reasonable explanation, at least.]


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 02:19:06 UTC
[this gives him pause. ... it's not his, is it? tilting his head as he considers this!]

You didn't have to peel it off the wall, did you?


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 02:23:16 UTC
[The trouble with Dittos is they all have a knack for looking alike, sometimes quite literally. If this one decided to transform and managed to turn something other than purple, it might give itself away, but for now the combination of generic purple goo and Yagyuu's displeasure has given way to assumption. Albeit a slightly incorrect one.]

No. Though I wouldn't mind getting it off my hand.

[As he shakes it emphatically, and nothing happens.]


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 02:32:35 UTC
[ah, that at least confirms that it's not his own. Salt fits under the generic description of ditto-hood, no matter how you cut it, but it generally wasn't this active, and it certainly didn't pass up a chance to plaster itself all over someone else's wall. therefore he figures that it's safe to say that the ditto isn't his, and so any ounce of innocence on his part won't have to be entirely feigned.

a glance of amusement.]

Why? If you could teach it a few new tricks, you could easily be the next Yagyuu Scissorhands.


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 02:49:43 UTC
I'm sure it's been taught more than enough tricks on its own, without any such contributions from me.

[Could he scrape it off? Maybe not with his other hand, that'd defeat the purpose, but maybe with a stick or...?]

And this isn't exactly comfortable, anyway.


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 02:54:43 UTC
[the line of conversation isn't difficult to read-- he hums.]

Have you tried using a cheese grater?


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 02:59:49 UTC
If I wanted to lose my fingers, I'd take Kirihara-kun's old suggestion and use Phantom's blade, instead.

[Grump grump grump.]


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 03:03:09 UTC
You mean you haven't? A little threat goes a long way.


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 03:06:22 UTC
I'd sooner get rid of it without violence, thank you.

[And without actually hurting what he assumes is Niou's Ditto, but he's not mentioning that part.]


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 03:09:12 UTC
Correction-- the illusion of violence. [a shrug, here, though.] On the other hand, you could always sacrifice something to it.


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 03:17:18 UTC
[Normally, he'd gladly rise to the opportunity for banter, but today he is cranky and his hand is encased in purple goo, so he's slightly less fun than he normally might be.]

Or I could take it outside and scrape it off, which is what I intend to do.


action. reimprovise July 30 2011, 03:42:40 UTC
Nonsense. This would be a fantastic chance to find out just what a ditto on a hand can withstand.

Should I go get a high-powered jet hose?


action. usedlaserbeam July 30 2011, 03:47:08 UTC
With me as the lab rat, I presume. Do we even have a high-powered jet hose?


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