Apr 15, 2011 15:28
[Yosuke, why would you leave your Pokégear in the path of a hungry Slowpoke? Because he's distracted, that's why. So the feed will turn on to the sound of slobber and lazy cries of "Sloooooooooow... pooookeeee." A lot of them. Jiraiya seems to be having a grand old time of trying to eat the 'Gear.]
[After a few minutes though, you may be able to hear Yosuke talking through all the slobber though. It's faint, and his tone sounds solemn - much different than his normal fare.]
April 15th, huh. I wonder if it counts, even if it's here. [There's a short, half-hearted chuckle.] A whole year, huh... damn... Senpai...
[He sniffles - something he could easily chalk up to the cold. And will, if prompted.] D-Dammit. This is--
[Whatever he's saying is drowning out by Jiraiya licking the microphone. The sound promptly cuts out after a second, followed by this:]
omnom pokégear,
jiraiya is the failest pokémon,
*yukari takeba,
*nanami nishijou,
all the emo,
*souji seta,
*kanji tatsumi,
*daisuke motomiya,
*kaito kuroba,
*rise kujikawa,
kanji's gonna kick his ass,
it's woobie time