[The screen turns on, panning wildly, first past some houses, then a glimpse of a small creature with a skull on it's face, and then there's there's a pair of large, panicked blue eyes staring into the screen
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[She doesn't jump this time when another person appears on screen, but she does blush a little. He's handsome like a prince.] Oh...um, y-yes. Do you know if there's a way out? There wasn't really a way to leave where I'm from...and I really need to get back. My friend will be worried about me!
I hope what Miss Puzzlette said was true, about going back at the exact time we left. My friend will be upset with me. [She blushes and looks sheepish.] He'll probably think I got lost in the woods. I don't like worrying h--my friends. Do you have someone waiting for you? Um--[She is so red right now.] Y-you don't have to answer, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy.
I hardly think your friend would hold it against you! After all, it's not your fault that any of this is happening~ [He smiles, then chuckles.] Something like that! But we've been separated before, so I hardly think it'll be a problem.
[Ahiru looks bashful and grins a little at him.] You're very brave! I-I'm not very good at not being with my friends, but I've already met some very nice people, like you. Oh, um, my name is Ahiru, what are you called?
It's a pleasure to meet you, Ahiru-chan! You can call me Fay~ [He smiles, tilting his head to the side a little.] I wouldn't call it brave in my case, really! Although I'd say you're handling such a big change quite bravely, yourself.
Oh, a-ah, thank you! W-well, um, I guess I'm used to it? [She laughs nervously] Um, in any case, it's nice to meet you too, Fay! I think I'm going to try to explore the town now! I can definitely be brave until I find a way home!
I'm sure you'll do just fine in being brave, and perhaps learning more about this world as well~ I'll gladly answer any questions if I can, should Ahiru-chan!
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