Sep 26, 2004 21:20

Name: Iori Hida.
Series: Digimon Adventure 02.
Timeline: Post-series.
Canon Resource Links: Wikimon; Wikia.


Most notable about Iori are his seriousness, his strong morals and his politeness. Though still a child, he doesn't act like it the majority of the time, possibly due to a mixture of factors - his father's death, his upbringing, which seems traditional and probably influenced Iori's sense of honour and duty (memories of his father, a police officer, and his grandfather, also Iori's kendo teacher, must have left a strong impression on Iori and would have played a role), and his own unwillingness to receive special treatment because of his age. Iori might even be seen as a stick in the mud in some ways, too proper and likely to rein in anything over the top, questionable or risky. He's generally reserved and not excitable, speaks formally and almost always remembers his manners. When annoyed, disapproving or angered, he remains polite in his speech, despite expressing those sentiments.

However, Iori does know how to smile and laugh, and even teases Daisuke with the others once or twice. It's unclear whether he has other friends who are closer to his own age, but he gets along particularly well with Miyako, whether walking to school, asking her to fix the Hida family's computer, passing food requests from Miyako along to his mother or occasionally pulling her back down to earth. Through their adventures together, he has also grown closer to the other Chosen Children in their group, to varying degrees (or giving Ken Ichijouji a chance after all), as well as holding Jou Kido in especially high esteem for his words of advice and dependability. All of them are still addressed politely, though. In some situations, Iori is more likely to act his age, shown for instance by his eagerly racing off to find what he believed had to be his second Digimental (and actually ignoring the risk of a trap in doing so), fearing that a situation was hopeless and being considerably less composed as a result, crying out of guilt over going against what he was taught was the right thing to do, and hugging Takeru in excitement when their digimon were finally able to Jogress-evolve.

Iori is a good fit for the Digimental of reliability/faith(fulness)/honesty/sincerity. His sense of responsibility and right and wrong make him dependable and the sort of person to strive for honesty - although conversely, they also caused him to have trouble letting anything outside of that slide. Over time, however, this changed as Iori had to confront situations that weren't clear-cut and didn't fit a narrow definition of good and bad or right and wrong. He still finds it important to follow rules and observe customs properly, but he has come to take his grandfather's advice to heart and become less rigid in his thinking, thanks to his experiences as a Chosen Child. Where he once would have adhered firmly to strict black-and-white conclusions, he is now willing to acknowledge that reality tends to be filled with grey areas. He hasn't necessarily become completely able to understand or forgive bad actions, but he is able to see that people and the reasons behind their actions are complex and bad actions don't automatically mean a person is always irredeemable and evil. This drives him to want to understand these things better, not pass unrelentingly harsh judgements as he might have done in the past.

Just like what he gradually learns about other people, Iori himself doesn't have only one side to him. He's serious and quiet, but he isn't restricted to that as one single facial expression 100% of the time. He does make mistakes and errors of judgement, even if he's intelligent and sensible. On the whole, Iori is consistent in staying a boy who keeps what respected elders tell him in mind and wants to do what's right, but he also manages to become more flexible and open to taking other sides into account, maturing from previously being more childish when it came to that.


+ Iori is usually reasonable and mature for his age, unlikely to be reckless. This allows him to act as a voice of reason and try to hold his friends back if they're about to do something unwise.
+ Thanks to regular kendo practice, he has good endurance and doesn't get tired too easily if trying to keep up with others when travelling on foot.
+ Iori is quite smart, both when it comes to books and drawing conclusions from observations. Rather than being overwhelmed by new information, most of the time, it makes him think and want to find out more.
+ He's earnest and conscientious. He might not be in-your-face about it, in the sense that he doesn't give speeches about ideals and he's more likely to deal with working through things he doesn't understand or agree with behind the scenes, but if he has a problem with something or there's something he believes in, he stands up for that, making him someone with solid integrity.

- Iori is still a kid, and while he is mature and sensible, there are things that can scare or upset him, too. In those moments, he can freeze up and have trouble taking action unless prompted.
- Physically, he's pretty small. Being young and probably used to a regular bedtime routine on the whole, he does tire more easily than the average adult might, even with his getting frequent exercise.
- He seems to have accepted his father's death, but he misses him nonetheless, and it would bother him not to be able to observe customs with his family. Being away from his mother, grandfather and Armadimon for a long time would be difficult as well.
- He doesn't like fighting, and even though he understands that there are times when fighting is necessary, he continues to struggle with the idea of defeating opponents by actually destroying them. Since he's not very outwardly emotional, it's possible that this could put a strain on him. He also wouldn't want to hurt pokémon or see his pokémon get hurt.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer.
Starter: Sandshrew.

!app, !rp: route

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